Applications Administration Guide > Audit Trail > About Audit Trail >

Audit Trail Constraints

The following cannot be audited:

  • The underlying business component not derived from CSSBCBase. This is because Audit Trail's functionality resides only in business components of class CSSBCBase. The procedure To determine if a business component can be audited tells you how to determine whether or not a business component can be used in Audit Trail.
  • Virtual business components. This is because they are not derived from business components of class CSSBCBase.
  • The merge action.
  • Calculated fields. This is because, typically, the value for a calculated field is derived from a table-based field. Audit a calculated field by auditing the table-based field that was used to derive the calculated field.
  • Record inserts, updates, and deletes performed through Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM), Assignment Manager, or workflow policy actions. This is because these do not go through the Siebel Object Managers.

To determine if a business component can be audited

  1. Launch Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Object Explorer, navigate to the Business Component object type.
  3. In the Object List Editor, select the business component.
  4. In the Class field, look for CSSBCBase. If the class is CSSBCBase, the business component can be used for Audit Trail.

    CSSBCBase and CSSBusComp are the most basic class types. If there is a value in the Class field that is not CSSBCBase or CSSBusComp, then there is specialized functionality that has been written in C++ related to this class.

    NOTE:  You can change the class from CSSBusComp to CSSBCBase.

  5. To see if this specialized class is related to CSSBCBase, drill down on the Class hyperlink.
  6. In the Super Class field, look for CSSBCBase. If the class is not CSSBCBase, drill down on the Super Class hyperlink.
    If the Super Class is...
    Then the business component...


    can be audited.


    cannot be audited.


    cannot be audited.

    NOTE:  Repeat Step 6 until the Super Class field is either CSSBCBase, CSSBusComp, or blank.

Applications Administration Guide