Applications Administration Guide > Calendar > Configuring the Calendar >

Displaying Fields, Colors, Drilldowns, and ToolTips

This section describes displaying fields for calendar records, displaying field colors, and displaying ToolTip text.

Displaying Fields for Calendar Records

You can configure one or more fields as display fields for calendar records. Field configuration is controlled by the applet user property, Display Fields. The value of this user property is a list of comma delimited business component fields that you want displayed for each record in the calendar. For the Activity Calendar, the default value is Description, which is the description of the activity displayed in the calendar.

TIP:   If you want to display contents of more than one field, you can either configure multiple display fields or create a calculated field that concatenates other fields and set the concatenated field name as the value of the Display Fields user property. For example, multiple display fields are used for the calendar applet (CS CG Activity HI Calendar Applet) used by the Consumer Sector application.

Displaying Field Color

You can configure each display field to display in a specified color and change the color dynamically. The colors of the display fields are configurable through applet user properties. See Table 61 for information about these user properties.

Displaying Field Drilldown

You can specify a drilldown object for each Display Field through applet user property, Display Field Drilldown Object Names. The value of the user property is a comma delimited list of drilldown objects defined for the applet.

Displaying Field ToolTip Text

When you move the mouse over a display field in a calendar record, ToolTip text appears (Figure 16.) The ToolTip content is configurable through the applet user property Display Field Name.Tooltip Fields, where Display Field Name is the name of the display field.

The user property value is a list of comma delimited business component fields. The values of these business component fields display as the ToolTip in the display field. By default, the name of the business component field is used as the label in the ToolTip text.

Make the label for a ToolTip field translatable by creating a control in the applet with the name Tooltip Field Label:Field Name. The caption of the control is used as the label for the ToolTip field. For example, for the business component Quote, field Name, the ToolTip label for the field is defined as a control of name ToolTip Field Label:Quote.Name, and the caption of the control will be the label for this field.

Applications Administration Guide