Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Promotions > Working with Promoted Products (End User) >

Associating Baseline and Shipment Data with Promoted Products

Key account managers can associate baseline and shipment data with promoted products. Baseline and shipment data can be associated only with promoted products and cannot be directly associated with a promotion.

A baseline record or a shipment record can be associated with more than one promoted product. For example, if you add the same product to two promotions, each for the same account and each with the same promotion end dates, you create two promoted products that share the same baseline and shipment record.

Promotion Planning Controls

The promotion planning process uses controls to enhance usability for key account managers.

  1. Navigate to the Promotions screen > Promotion List view.
  2. In the Promotions List view, the following controls exist.
    • Revise. Creates a copy of the active record, incrementing the value in the Revision field by 1.
    • Products. Adds products as promoted products of the promotion to the account's authorized distribution list. To be added, a product must be on the account's price list and associated to the category defined for the promotion. To use this functionality, you must set the value of Add Authorized Products Only to Y. For more information, see User Properties.
    • Baseline. Associates baseline records based on account, promoted product, and promotion start and end dates. Baseline data is adjusted for partial weeks. Then, a user can add incremental volume to each baseline record.
    • Spread. Spreads the estimated incremental across the intersection baseline records, based on the following formula.

      Estimated Incremental multiplied by (Promotion baseline of the intersection baseline record divided by the total baseline for the promotion).

      If the number of records within a promotion hierarchy change (for example, a promoted category is deleted), you must click the Spread button again to redistribute the data across the remaining records.

      NOTE:  The difference between the estimated incremental value entered at the promotion and the total of the estimated incremental value in the intersection baseline after the spread, will be randomly allocated to one of the intersection baseline records. The number entered in each intersection baseline record will be an integer.

      CAUTION:  If the user prefers to use another method for spreading, further customization will be required.

      For information on how to configure the Spread button, see Configuring the Spread Button.

    • Shipment. Associates shipment records based on account, promoted product, and shipment start and end dates. Shipment data is adjusted for partial weeks.

      All Buttons and Methods for Trade Promotions Configurators are described in Table 17.

To associate baseline and shipment data with promoted products

  1. Navigate to the Promotions screen > Promotion List view.
  2. Select a record in the Promotion List, click Baseline, and then click Shipment.

    The system identifies all baseline records that exist during the promotion Start and End periods for that account and promoted product, and associates these records with the promoted product.

    Baseline and shipment data are adjusted for partial weeks.

    NOTE:  Use the Baseline button before the promotion. Use the Shipment button after the promotion to evaluate the promotion.

  3. Drill down on the Promotion field hyperlink.

    The Promoted Categories list appears.

  4. Select the category that contains the promoted product or products with which you want to associate baseline and shipment data.
  5. In the Promoted Products list, select a product record.

    The Promoted Product Baseline view displays all baseline data for all periods that fall between the shipment start date and the shipment end date for the account and the selected product.

  6. Drill down on the Product field hyperlink, then click the Shipments view tab.

    The Shipments view displays all shipment data for all periods that fall between the shipment start date and the shipment end date for the account and the selected product.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    The quantity associated to sales volume without a promotion.


    Promotion Shipment Percent. An adjustment made when the first or last week of a promotion is not the same duration as a full week in the corresponding shipments record.

    Promotion Shipment

    The quantity derived by multiplying Shipment times percent.

  7. Navigate back to the Promoted Product Baseline list and enter values in the Incremental field for each period in the promotion.

    These values will be rolled up into the estimated incremental value for the promoted product, the promotion, and the plan.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    The quantity associated to sales volume without a promotion.


    Promotion Baseline Percent. An adjustment made when the first or last week of a promotion is not the same duration as a full week in the corresponding baseline.

    Promotion Baseline

    The quantity derived by multiplying Baseline times percent.

    NOTE:  A Sales Volume Planning (SVP) shipment record can be associated with many promoted products. However when an SVP shipment record is associated with a promoted product, no adjustment in shipment quantity is made for other promoted products with which the shipment record has already been associated. Therefore, each promoted product will have the full shipment quantity associated with it.

Siebel Consumer Goods Guide