Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Promotions > About Configuring Trade Promotions >

Configuring the Spread Button

A Siebel configurator can use Siebel Tools to specify how to spread data from one level to another level of the promotion hierarchy when a user clicks Spread in the application.

How the Siebel configurator specifies the spread of data varies according to the following scenarios:

  • For a business component within the promotion hierarchy, add user properties to the source business component in Siebel Tools as described in Table 14.
    Table 14. User Properties for the Source Business Component
    Name of User Property
    Values to Enter

    CS Spread Target: BO Name

    Where BO Name is the name of the business object. For example,

    CS Spread Target: CPG Plan

    Name of the target business component. For example,

    CS CG Plan Account Promotion Category

    CS Spread Fields: BO Name N

    Where BO Name is the name of the business object and N is a number. For example,

    CS Spread Fields: CPG Plan 1

    "[Source Field Name]", "[Target Field Name]", "[Method to use]", "[Name of the field used to calculate the percentage when allocating]"

    For example,

    "Est Incremental Cases", "Est Incremental Cases", "Allocate", "Est Baseline Cases"

  • For a business component within the promotion hierarchy, modify the user properties of the RollUp Fields as described in Table 15.
    Table 15. User Properties for the RollUp Fields
    Name of User Property
    Values to Enter

    CS RollUp Fields: BO Name N

    Where BO Name is the name of the business object and N is a number. For example,

    CS RollUp Fields: CPG Plan 3

    "[Source Field Name]", "[Target Field Name]", Spread

    For example,

    "Est Incremental Revenue", "Est Incremental Revenue", Spread

  • For a nonroot business component (the root business component is the business component from which the Spread button is invoked), add the following extra business component user property as described in Table 16.
    Table 16. User Property for Nonroot Business Component
    Name of User Property
    Values to Enter

    CS Spd Rt: BO Name/Root BC

    Where BO Name is the name of the business object and Root BC is the name of the root business component.

    For example,

    CS Spd Rt: CPG Plan/CPG Plan Account Promotion

    Name of the field that links this business component to the root business component.

    For example,

    Plan Account Promotion Id

For each of the previously described scenarios, note the following points:

  • The target business component has to be a child business component of the business object that is linked to the current business component through a one-to-many link.
  • Only the RollUp user properties which are modified in Table 15 participate in a roll up triggered by the Spread button.
  • The target field must be column-based.
  • Use either the Allocate or Copy method.
  • If you use the Allocate method, the source and target fields must be numeric.
  • If you use the Copy method, the source and target fields do not have to be numeric.

For instructions on modifying links and business components, see the Siebel Tools Guide.

Siebel Consumer Goods Guide