Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring Toolbars and Menus > About Toolbars and Menus >

About the Command Object Type

A Command object definition specifies which invoke method is called when a toolbar icon or application-level menu item associated with the command is executed (applet-level menus do not use command objects). It also specifies which bitmap appears on the toolbar icon for toolbar items. Command object definitions are referenced by Toolbar Item or Menu Item object definitions.

For more information about creating Command objects, see Creating Command Objects.

A Command object definition has the following significant properties:

  • Target. Specifies which entity handles the invoke method the command calls. Available options are the following:
    • Browser. The method handler is a JavaScript service on the browser, or the JavaScript application, depending on whether a service is specified in the Business Service property.
    • Server. The method handler is an object manager service on the server or the object manager infrastructure (the SWE UDF loader, or, secondarily, the model), depending on whether a service is specified in the Business Service property.
    • Browser Applet. Used with high interactivity.

      For more details on the configuration of the Target property and related properties, see About Invoke Method Targeting.

  • Business Service. Specifies the service (either browser or server, depending on the Target property) that handles the invoke method. If the property is left blank, the browser or server infrastructure is targeted rather than a specific service. If a service is specified, it must handle CanInvokeMethod and InvokeMethod for the method specified in the Method property.
  • Method. Specifies the name of the method to invoke when the menu item or toolbar icon is selected. This is a required property.

    See About Invoke Method Targeting.

  • Method Argument. Provides the means to pass an argument to the invoke method specified in the Method property. For example, a command item that opens a new window and navigates to a URL in that window can specify the GotoURL method in Method and the URL to navigate to in Method Argument.
  • Show Popup. If TRUE, specifies that a new browser window is opened before invoking the method. If FALSE, specifies that the method is invoked in the current browser window.
  • HTML Popup Dimensions. Dimensions, in pixels, of the pop-up window, when Show Popup is TRUE. An example is 640x480 (specified with the "x" and without spaces).
  • HTML Bitmap. Specifies bitmap used by the Command object.
  • Tooltip Text. This is the tooltip text which appears when the cursor lingers on a toolbar icon. For built-in methods, the tooltip text should be left blank; blank indicates that the method will dynamically supply the text, and language localization takes place as a part of this process. For developer-defined methods, you should enter literal text (but note that this turns off language localization for this tooltip text).
Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications