Siebel Financial Services Connector for IAA-XML Guide > Overview > Architectural Overview >

Business Data Flow

Each standard integration or custom integration is based on the creation of business data flows. A business data flow controls the whole transformation of an IAA based data object to a Siebel data object and a Siebel data object to an IAA based data object. Figure 2, illustrates inbound and outbound business data flows. Some of the business flows might constitute messages published by IAA such as <AddPartyRequest>, <DeletePartyRequest>, <FindPartyRequest>, <ModifyPartyRequest>, <SubmitApplicationRequest>, <InquiryFinancialServicesAgreementRequest>, <InquiryFinancialServiceAgreementResponse> and so on. Some of these messages are included in the sample database as reference implementations.

There are two types of business data flows:

  • Outbound to External IAA-based application (Send)
  • Inbound from an external IAA-based application (Receive)

The processing flow for each of these business data flow is largely contained within a Siebel workflow process. The workflow process is then initiated by the Siebel Event Manager, or a Siebel eScript calls based on an action performed within Siebel eBusiness Applications to process the data in an outbound scenario. In an inbound scenario, the workflow will be instantiated by the Business Integration Manager.

Figure 2. Bi-directional Business Data Flow of Siebel Connector for IAA-XML
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Siebel Financial Services Connector for IAA-XML Guide