Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 > IDOC Interfaces > Creating SAP Integration Objects with the IDOC Wizard >

IDOCTYP Information

DOCTYP, IDOCTYP and CIMTYP are related as in the following examples:

  • 3X control record - using SAP defined type or user created IDOC type:
    • DOCTYP - DEBMAS02 - contains same name as IDOCTYP
    • IDOCTYP - DEBMAS02 - basic IDOC type
    • CIMTYP - blank
  • 3X control record - using sap extended IDOC
    • DOCTYP - ZDBMAS02 - unique name for extension/basic IDOC type pair
    • IDOCTYP - DEBMAS02 - basic IDOC type
    • CIMTYP - DEBMASEX - extension name
  • 4X control record - using sap defined type or user created IDOC type
    • CIMTYP - blank
  • 4X control record - using sap extended IDOC
    • IDOCTYP - DEBMAS02 - basic IDOC type
    • CIMTYP - DEBMASEX - extension name

DOCTYP is no longer required as a unique name for the IDOCTYP/CIMTYP pair in SAP R/3 version 4.0 or newer.

NOTE:  DOCTYP can be populated in a 3X control record by a 4X implementation by maintaining the conversion table in the IDOC type editor (we30). Navigate to Environment > Conversion > IDOC Type and enter a unique DOCTYP name for the basic type/extension type pair being used.

The integration object has an external name as well as a Siebel name. The External Name field is specially encoded when an IDOC Extension is being used.

The external name for the integration object is defined as follows:

  • If you are using ALE 3X and the IDOC is not an extension:

    The external name holds the 3X Idoc type name (value as entered in DOCTYP of the 3X control record).

  • If you are using ALE 3X version and the IDOC is an extension:

    The external name holds the 3X Idoc type name (value as entered in DOCTYP of the 3X control record). Although the IDOCTYP and CIMTYP could be filled in the control record, they are not required and are filled in by SAP.

    NOTE:  If the SAP version is 4.0 or above and if you must use a 3X ALE interface and an extension IDOC type, first enter the DOCTYP name to be used in SAP and then enter this name in the external name field of the integration object. The wizard does not capture this name automatically.

  • If you using an ALE 4X version and the IDOC is not an extension:

    The external name holds the 4X basic IDOC type name (value as entered in IDOCTYP of the 4X control record).

  • If you using an ALE 4X version and the IDOC is an extension:

    The external name holds both the 4X basic IDOC type name (values as entered in IDOCTYP of the 4X control record) and the extension type (CIMTYP) in the form: IDOCTYP/CIMTYP.

The IDOC Integration Object has a user property Workflow that can be set to the name of a workflow to process upon receipt of the integration object from SAP. This is used only when an IDOC is received from SAP. It is not used when an IDOC is sent to SAP. For more information on the usage of this user property, see Receiving IDOCs from SAP.

Table 28 summarizes the IDOC integration object user properties.

Table 28. IDOC Integration Object User Properties
Valid Values

Logical Message Type

SAP IDOC Message Type

Filled in by the IDOC integration object wizard. You do not need to modify this.


Siebel Workflow name

You need to populate this if the IDOC is to be sent from SAP to the Siebel application.


"3X" or "4X"

Set by the IDOC Integration object wizard. You do not need to modify this.

In addition, the user property Offset appears for each field in the IDOC. This field is set by the IDOC integration object wizard and you must not change it.

When selecting IDOC objects to capture with the wizard, the list contains IDOC Type, Extension Type, and Message Type.

  • If the IDOC does not represent an Extension Type you see:
    IDOC Type (Message Type)
    For example, MATMAS03 (MATMAS)
  • If the IDOC is an extension type, you see:
    IDOC Type/Extension Type (Message Type)
    For example, MATMAS03/ZMATMAS (ZMATMS)
Siebel Connector for SAP R/3