Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Java Message Service Transport > Detailed Input and Output Specifications >

About Output of the JMS Transport

The output of the JMS Transport methods includes the following parts:

  • The content of the received message (if the method involves receiving a message). See the previous section, Input Arguments Used by the Dispatch Step for details about typing.
  • JMS properties of the received message (if the method involves receiving a message), as described in the section JMS Headers and Properties.
  • Certain JMS headers of the message sent or received, as described in Table 11.
  • The special properties TimedOut (if the method involves receiving a message) and DispatchError (if the method involves dispatching), as described in Table 11. Each property is either True or False.

Table 11 enumerates for each method of JMS Transport the JMS headers and other distinguished properties that appear as properties of the output property set of the method. An asterisk (*) means the argument is present; a dash (-) means the argument is absent.

Table 11. Dispatch Step Input Arguments
Receive Dispatch
Receive Dispatch Send
Subscribe Dispatch
































































Some special notes regarding the information in this table:

  • *1: JMSMessageID, the value assigned by the JMS server of the sent (or published) message.
  • *2: JMSMessageID, the value assigned by the JMS server of the received (or subscribed) message.
  • +: An output argument that can also be used as an input argument.

All other message properties (user-defined; not JMS headers) are provided as output properties with SIEBEL_JMS: prepended to the original property name, and the value is converted to a String.

For the multi-step methods ReceiveDispatch, ReceiveDispatchSend, and SubscribeDispatch, properties are passed between the individual steps according to the following rules:

  • All outputs of the Receive (or Subscribe) step are passed as inputs to the subsequent Dispatch step.
  • In the case of an error during the Dispatch step, its output is returned.
  • The input to the Dispatch step includes all properties in the original input as well as properties returned by the Receive (or Subscribe) step.
Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration