Siebel Field Service Guide > Business Service Methods Reference for Field Service > Dispatch Board >

AssetUnassignActivity Method

AssetUnassignActivity is called when an activity is dropped onto the bottom applet of the Asset Dispatch Board view.


This method is called by the FS Asset DB Unplanned Activity List Ax Applet when an object is dragged off the FS Asset DB Planned GanttChart AX Applet. The calling of this method is set using the Drag Drop Business Service applet user property. When it is called, the method sets the Activity Status to Unscheduled and clears the Asset Id field as defined in the Drag and Drop Update Field business service user property.

Additional Details

If pre- or post-processing needs to be done on the drag and drop business event to support a specific business process, this method's arguments can be accessed from custom code.

Siebel Field Service Guide