Siebel Field Service Guide > Charges and Invoices > Charges and Invoices Screens >

Agreements Screen

The Agreements screen provides subviews (under the Line Items view) for contract-based invoicing.

Line Items View

The Line Items view provides controls and subviews for invoicing agreement line items. Controls are listed in Table 62.

Table 62. Selected Items in the Line Items View


This button and command directs the charge consolidation business service to generate charges for the selected agreement line item, based on the charge consolidation plan.

The line items must have any status other than Cancelled.

Invoice All

This command directs the charge consolidation business service to generate charges for all line items, based on the charge consolidation plan.

The line items must have any status other than Cancelled.

Advance To

This field is located in the Line Items menu bar. If the Invoice Basis is set to Advance, the charge consolidation business service can calculate the invoice amounts up to this date and time.

Charge Plan Subview

The Charge Plan subview records the billing details for the selected agreement line item. Table 63 describes items on the Charge Plan subview.

Table 63. Selected Items in the Charge Plan Subview

Adjust Charge

Positive or negative adjustment to the amount of a charge. The Charge Engine clears this field after generating a charge.


When selected, activates the Charge button.

Charge Basis

Method of charging. Make a choice from the drop-down list:

  • Advance. Advance charges are generated one period in advance.
  • Schedule. Generates the charge according to the Contract Schedule.

Charge End

Last possible date to generate a charge.


Total amount of the nonrecurring charge of which payments will be spread out per the NRC schedule. The nonrecurring charge can include a service charge or a discount.

NOTE:  If an NRC plan is not specified, the default behavior is to divide the NRC amount by the NRC Qty and generate the resulting amount each period.

NRC Plan

Predefined NRC billing plan, chosen from a dialog box. If this field is blank, the NRC amount is divided equally among the total payment installments shown in NRC Qty.


Number of installments for paying the nonrecurring charge.

NRC Schedule

Defines how frequently and when the charges are generated. The NRC schedule can be different than the invoice schedule.

NRC Start

The start date for nonrecurring charges.

RC Adjust

Amount to charge for partial periods as defined in RC Schedule. For example, if charges are generated monthly, this field defines the dollars per unit of time that the Charge Engine uses to calculate the RC charge line item.

RC Adjust U/M

The length of time for which the adjustment amount applies.

RC Schedule

Defines how frequently and when the charges are generated.

NOTE:  If a product measurement record is defined for this line item (product), the RC Schedule frequency must match the Frequency value in the Administration - Products screen > Service Information > Measurements view.

RC Start

Recurring charges are only created after this date.


Amount of a recurring charge.

Use Plan

Predefined use plan, chosen from a dialog box that displays only the plans that apply to the product in the selected line item.

Use Start

The start date for usage charges.

Invoices View

The Invoices view displays all invoices associated with an agreement line item and allows modification of these invoices or creation of additional invoices. Table 64 describes a check box in this view.

Table 64. Selected Items in the Invoices View


A check box that is set automatically if the current date is past the due date.

Siebel Field Service Guide