Going Live with Siebel Business Applications > Rolling Out Updates to Mobile Clients > Customizing Siebel.ini Files >

About Siebel.ini File Hierarchy and Organization

This section describes the hierarchy and organization of the siebel.ini file.

Sections Containing Child Sections

In sections like the following, a child subsection provides additional information about the parent section. Parent and child sections take the following format:


Child_Section_Name = Value

where Child_Section_Name is a key in the parent section.


Key = Value

Key = Value

The key in the parent section tells the installer whether that element is enabled. If it is enabled, the installer looks to the child section whose name is the key from the parent.

In the following example, the [AppCollision] section is traversed. The installer finds a key (GtwySrvr) and determines if that check should be enabled. In this case, the check would be enabled if a Siebel Gateway was selected during installation. If so, the installer looks for the definition. The previous key (GtwySrvr) is redefined as a section, which then defines the behavior.


GtwySrvr = $(Gateway Selected)=yes


Description = Siebel Gateway

File = gtwysrvr\bin\namesrvr.exe

Sections Without Child Sections

In sections like the following, all necessary information for the key is contained in the value:


Key = Value

In the following example, the installer displays a welcome dialog box. All necessary information for the key is contained in the value; no child section is required.


Welcome = yes

Going Live with Siebel Business Applications