Going Live with Siebel Business Applications > Rolling Out Updates to Mobile Clients > Customizing Siebel.ini Files >

Testing an Installer After Customizing the Siebel.ini File

After you customize the siebel.ini file, you should test the installer.

To test an installer

  1. Finish modifying the siebel.ini file.
  2. Run install.exe from the SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\packager\temp\package_name directory on the network installation server.
  3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 until the siebel.ini file is configured to achieve the desired installation.
  4. Test any self-extracting archive file you create.

NOTE:  If you test a self-extracting archive file on the same machine on which you generated the package, the installer will overwrite the Siebel client directory. To install to a different location, specify an installation directory using the RootDirectory parameter in the siebel.ini file. Or, run the archive file on a different machine.

Going Live with Siebel Business Applications