Siebel Medical Handheld Guide > Data Filtering >

Constructing Business Component and Business Object Filters

Business component filters are used to limit the extraction of a business component for every context in which it is extracted.

Example of Business Component Filter Syntax:

Business component filters use query by example (QBE) syntax.

[Status] = "Not Started" OR [Status] = "In Progress" OR ([Status] IS NULL) OR [Status] = "On Hold" OR ([Status] = "Done" AND [Done] >= Today() - 7)

For more information on QBE syntax, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

Business object filters are used to supply filters that a user can select at sync time. These are the filters that are displayed in the SetFilters dialog on the device.

Example of Business Object Filter Syntax:

Business object filters use predefined query (PDQ) syntax.

PDQ syntax rules are a follows:

  • The business component name should be a valid business component in the business object on which the PDQ is based
  • Search and Sort can be specified for all active buscomps in the business object on which the view is based, appended to each other in any order using space as delimiter.

The normal search spec and sort spec syntax applies except that quotes in the search spec have to be escaped using double quotes since the search spec itself is enclosed in double quotes.

The syntax is as follows. Descriptions of the terms are shown in Table 22.

'Account'.Search = "[State] = LookupValue ( ""STATE_ABBREV"", ""CA"" )" 'Account'.Sort = "Name, Location"

Table 22. Business Object Filter Syntax
Syntax Term


business component name


key word

"[State] = LookupValue (""STATE_ABBREV"", ""CA"")"

search specs using PDQ syntax


field name


function for find an LOV value


LOV type


LOV value

'Account'.Sort = "Name, Location"

sort spec for sorting the returned list

For more information on PDQ syntax, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

Siebel Medical Handheld Guide