Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Application Administration >

Configuring Application Settings for Siebel Handheld

The Administration-Mobile screen contains a Settings list that allows you to change default settings. Some of the settings are described in Table 10.

The Handheld setting value field has a limit of 2000 characters. To create a default business object (DefaultBusObj) setting value with more than 2000 characters, use the following general approach:

Break the value into multiple lines of DefaultBusObj settings. These settings should all be entered using the same DefaultBusObj value format:

  • BusObj|Visibility|Query|BusComp_1|query specifications_1[|BusComp_n|query specifications_n]

When defining multiple lines of DefaultBusObj settings for a single business object, all view modes and filters should match. If a business component is found in multiple DefaultBusObj settings for a single business object, then the business component's query specifications will be concatenated with a space and appended into the previous business component's query specifications. You should be aware of this in order to decide if both query specifications should be combined with an OR or AND operative.

The DefaultBCuserProps and DefaultFields settings for a single business component can also be broken into multiple lines of settings if their values exceed 2000 characters. These settings should all be entered using the same value format as well:

  • BusComp|BCUserProp_1[|BCUserProp_n] or BusComp|Field_1[|Field_n]
Table 10. Application Settings
Setting Name
Valid Values


Single-line setting. Specifies whether the Remember Password check box will be displayed on the Handheld Client Synchronization screen.



Single-line setting. Specifies the working directory (UNC path) of the Siebel Handheld synchronization component where user data are stored.

\\server name\directory name


Single-line setting. Enables Thread Throttling functionality for database extract threads. It is the load (or weight) that will be assigned to each individual Database Extractor thread. For each running database extracting thread, this load value will be used to determine the total system load, which is then compared against the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A new thread will only be started if the total system load does not exceed the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A value of zero disables throttling of Database Extractor threads.

integer >= 0; default is 2


Multi-line setting. Reduces the number of User Properties that are extracted to the device metadata, thus decreasing the number of fields for a business component that need to be extracted. These reductions lower the metadata extract size and optimize client performance by removing irrelevant user properties from the handheld configuration. If this directive is not specified for a business component, then all user properties will be extracted.



Multi-line setting. Used to force the extraction of a business object and its designated business components. This is typically used when a business component is not extracted because it is not specified via the "DefaultView" directive and is required for the application to function correctly. Another use of this directive is to designate business components that function as RBOs (reverse business objects).

Business Object Name|Visibility Level||Business Component Name|QBE query construct

For more on QBE (query by example) structure, see Constructing Business Component and Business Object Filters.


Multi-line setting. Used to force the extraction of fields for a particular business component. This is typically the case where the business component is extracted via the "DefaultView" directive but because the field is not visible on the applet, it is not extracted. Also when a hidden business component is extracted via the "DefaultBusObj" directive, it is necessary to specify all of the fields that need to be extracted for the business component. If no fields are specified via this directive, then the business component will not be extracted for this case.

Business Component Name|Field1|Field2|...


Single-line setting. Enables insert failure processing for synchronization. If enabled, synchronization will stop upon encountering a data conflict during an insert operation. End users or administrators must resolve the data conflict before synchronization can resume. This feature is disabled by default.

NoFail or FailOnError


Single-line setting. Enables Extended Pick processing for synchronization. If enabled, synchronization will stop upon encountering a data conflict during a pick operation. End users or administrators must resolve the data conflict before synchronization can resume. This feature is disabled by default.

NoFail or FailOnError


Single-line setting. Enables or disables Batch Sync functionality.



Single-line setting. This parameter enables or disables Thread Throttling functionality.



Single-line setting. For Thread Throttling functionality. This is the upper limit on the amount of time (in minutes) any individual throttling request will be allowed to wait.

integer >= 0; default is 5


Single-line setting. For Thread Throttling functionality. It defines the maximum number of total thread loads (determined by DBExtractThreadLoad and TranProcThreadLoad for each type of thread) that will be allowed to run across the scope defined by ThreadThrottleScope. If a throttling request is made that causes this maximum to be exceeded, the requesting thread is delayed. The default value is zero, which completely disables the throttling mechanism.

integer >= 0; default is 0


Multi-line setting. Defines a business component that must be omitted from the device database and excluded from database extraction.



Multi-line setting. Defines a business component that must be excluded from database extraction.



Multi-line setting. Defines a Business Service that should receive the Handheld Schema Change Notification.

(Siebel internal)


Single-line setting. For Thread Throttling functionality. It defines the scope of the thread throttling mechanism as using one of two different modes: Process Thread (throttling occurs independently within each process), or Application (throttling occurs across all processes running the same handheld sync application on a single server). Only the first character of the ThreadThrottleScope parameter will be used to determine the value. All other characters are ignored. Thus "aardvark" is interpreted as "Application." Case is also ignored. The default value is "Application."

Application or Process


Single-line setting. For Thread Throttling functionality. It is the load (or weight) that is assigned to each individual Transaction Processor thread. For each running transaction processing thread, this load value is used to determine the total system load, which is then compared against the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A new thread will only be started if the total system load does not exceed the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A value of zero disables throttling of transaction processing threads.

integer >= 0; default is 3


Single-line setting. For Thread Throttling functionality. This is the minimum time (in minutes) that the Transaction Processor will continue processing transactions before performing a handshake with the client. Once this value has been exceeded, a handshake occurs instead of starting to process the next transaction. Doing so prevents the client from timing out the session when thread throttling is enabled.

integer >= 0; default is 5

To add a new application setting

  1. From the application-level menu, select Navigate > Site Map > Administration-Mobile > Application Administration > Settings.
  2. From the Settings list menu, select New Record.
  3. Click in the name field and select the desired application setting.
  4. Click in the Value field and enter the text of the setting.
Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide