Siebel Hospitality Guide > Managing Hospitality Accounts and Contacts >

Scenario for Managing Accounts and Contacts

When a customer contacts a sales representative, the sales representative researches and profiles the customer's account to determine if the account and the contact are already in the database, and the status of the account.

You can use a variety of methods to verify that an account or contact exists in the system, and add the records if necessary:

  • Accounts screen. Navigate to the Accounts screen and query for the account. If you cannot find the account, create an account record. For more information about creating and managing accounts, see Applications Administration Guide.
  • Contacts screen. Navigate to the Contacts screen and query for the contact. If the contact is not found, create a contact record. For more information about creating and managing contacts, see Applications Administration Guide.

After accounts or contacts have been created and profiled, you can create opportunities, quotes, orders, and event checks for them. You may add further details (such as travel preferences) about them at a later stage as the details about the account or contact become available.

When you have created an account, you can manage its travel profile, create event templates for the account, view its transactions, track intermediary accounts, create business plans for the accounts, and perform basic account management, such as managing notes, attachments, and activities. When you have created a contact you can manage the contact's travel profile, create event templates for the account, build contact loyalty, and perform basic contact management, such as creating notes, attachments, and activities.

Siebel Hospitality Guide