Siebel Hospitality Guide > Working with Quote and Order Pricing > Function Space Pricing >

Function Line Item and Revenue Data Repricing

The user can recalculate the pricing for functions, roll up line item changes, and revise revenue data using the Reprice All and Refresh buttons. The Reprice, Reprice All, and Refresh buttons appear on the following views:

  • Quotes Functions view
  • Orders Functions Line Items view
  • Functions screen's Function List view
Reprice All
  • Order Functions Line Items view
  • Quotes Functions view
  • Functions screen's Function list view
  • Quote Functions view
  • Quote Summary view

Reprice Button

The Reprice button is used to recalculate the price of individual functions or line items when new functions or line items are added or function space is changed. Multiple functions or line items can be selected and repriced at the same time. If Reprice is launched from the Functions list applet in the Orders Functions view or Quotes Functions view, then all the line items in the selected function are repriced and then selected functions are refreshed.

If Reprice is launched from the Function Line Items list applet, the system retrieves the current price for the selected line item.

NOTE:  Users cannot use this button when dealing with nonparticipating properties (NPPs).

Reprice All Button

The Reprice All button is used to recalculate the price of all the functions in the function list. Reprice All is typically used when pricing is required for items that were previously flagged for pricing bypasses or if a new pricing scenario is being explored at the sales prospect stage. If the end user launches Reprice All from the Orders Functions view or the Quotes Functions view, all of the line items are repriced at the same time.

When the user clicks Reprice All at the function level, the following actions occur:

  • The room rental amounts are aggregated for all functions since room rental charges change depending on the day of the week.
  • The required threshold is calculated.
  • All catering products for the quote are repriced.
  • Catering revenue and profit is calculated.
  • The Profit threshold variance is calculated.
  • Revenue threshold variance is calculated again.

When the user clicks Reprice All at the function line item level, the system retrieves the current prices for all the line items in the current function.

NOTE:  Users cannot use this button when dealing with nonparticipating properties (NPPs).

Refresh Button

The Refresh button is used to roll up line item changes and recalculate revenue data that appears in the quote's Function Revenue Estimates view after changes are made to the line items. If there are no line item changes, no action occurs when the button is clicked.

When a change is made to a line item, the Need Refresh flag appears to remind users that the Refresh button must be clicked for revenue recalculation. Clicking Refresh in the quote's Functions view rolls up revenues from the line items to the function, and then to the quote. If the Line Item Sum flag is selected, then the sum of the line items is rolled up to the quote level; otherwise, the projected revenue values are rolled up to the quote level.

Clicking Refresh from the Quote Summary view rolls up revenue from sleeping rooms and functions to the quote level.

When an end user clicks Refresh at the function level, the following actions occur:

  • Catering revenue and profit is updated to reflect the updated revenue and profit of the selected functions.
  • The Profit Threshold Variance is calculated.
  • The Profit Variance is updated.
  • The Required Threshold is recalculated.
  • The Revenue Threshold Variance is recalculated.
  • The average values are retrieved and aggregated in the Function Revenue Estimates.
  • Quote Revenue Estimates are retrieved either from the average values or line items depending on the value in the Line Item Sum field.
    • If the flag in the Line Item Sum field is selected, then the revenue estimates are retrieved from the function's line items.
    • If the flag in the Line Item Sum field is not selected, then the revenue estimates are retrieved from the functions's average values.
  • The opportunity revenue is updated with the projected quote revenue.
Siebel Hospitality Guide