Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS > Installing the Siebel Schema on the DB2 Host > Preparing for a Custom Installation >

Validating the Extracted Storage Control File

You must validate the storage control file after you extract it or after you modify it. The validation produces two output files in the log directory under SIEBSRVR_ROOT:

  • db_config_siebel.log
  • db_config_validation.log

NOTE:  When validating the extracted storage control file, the validation job calls for the schema.ddl file, as an example. Make a copy of ddl.ctl and name it schema.ddl, keeping the copy in the same location as ddl.ctl.

To validate the storage control file under Windows

  1. Launch the Database Server Configuration utility and follow the steps in Performing a Standard Installation Under Windows until the Siebel Database Operation screen is displayed (Step 6).
  2. On the Siebel Database Operation screen, select Run Database Utilities, and click Next.
  3. Choose Configure Database, and click Next.

    The Database Configuration Options screen appears with the following options:

    • Extract Storage Control File
    • Validate Storage Control File
  4. Choose the Validate Storage Control File option, and click Next.
  5. On the ODBC Data Source screen, accept the default name of the ODBC data source (make sure that this has the same name as the subsystem qualifier), or enter a different data source name.

    NOTE:  The Siebel Server installation process automatically creates the data source, using the format SiebSrvr_EnterpriseServerName. To find the name of your ODBC data source, navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC). Click the System DSN tab to find the name of your ODBC data source.

    To continue, click Next.

  6. On the Database User Name screen, indicate the source database user name and password. The Database User Name is an ID authorized to log in to the Siebel database. This user ID should have authorization to set CURRENT SQLID.

    To continue, click Next.

  7. On the Siebel Schema Qualifier screen, type the identifier that designates the Siebel Schema for your database. This is also an authorization ID. The schema qualifier must start with a letter, can be up to 8 characters in length, and cannot contain special characters.

    To continue, click Next.

  8. On the Schema File screen, type the directory paths for the following files:
    • The schema file

      If your Siebel Schema has been modified, use schema.ddl. For the Siebel preconfigured Schema, use ddl.ctl.

    • The storage control file that you want to validate (for example, storage.ctl).

      To continue, click Next.

  9. On the Log Output Directory screen, indicate the directory where you want the log files to be generated.
  10. In the runnow message box, click OK to run the configuration now. To run the configuration later, navigate to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT/bin directory and enter the following from the command line:

    siebupg.exe /m master_dbconfig_validate_mf.ucf

  11. On the Configuration Parameter Review screen, review the configuration values you entered on the previous Configuration Utility screens, make any changes necessary, and click Finish.
  12. When the Siebel Upgrade Wizard launches, click OK to apply the configuration.
  13. To check that the validated storage control file works, connect to the catalog, and run ddlimp in validation mode.
  14. Review the log file (ddlimp.log) that is generated in the log subdirectory under SIEBSRVR_ROOT.

To validate the storage control file under UNIX

  1. Launch the Database Server Configuration utility and follow the steps in Performing a Standard Installation Under UNIX until the Siebel Database Operation screen is displayed (Step 9).
  2. On the Siebel Database Operation screen, choose option 5 - Run Database Utilities.
  3. On the Database Utility Selection screen, choose option 3 - Configure Database.
  4. On the Database Configuration Options screen, choose option 2 - Validate Storage Control File.
  5. Enter the number that corresponds to the language you are using.
  6. Enter your ODBC data source name.

    NOTE:  This value needs to be the same as the actual name of your subsystem. That is, your database alias within DB2 Connect must be the same as the actual name of your DB2 subsystem.

  7. Enter your source database username and password.
  8. Enter the schema qualifier for your existing database (enter this value in all uppercase characters).
  9. Enter the directory path of the schema file and then the name of the storage control file that you want to validate.
  10. On the Common Parameters screen, specify the directory where you want the log files to be generated; the default is dbconfig_validate_mf.
  11. Review the variables you entered, then enter 1 (Yes) to run the Upgrade Wizard (srvrupgwiz).

    The storage control file is validated.

  12. Review the log files generated by ddlimp (ddlimp.log) in the log directory under SIEBSRVR_ROOT.
Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS