Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS > Installing the Siebel Schema on the DB2 Host > Performing a Standard Installation >

Performing a Standard Installation Under Windows

Perform the following steps for a standard installation under Windows.

To perform a standard installation under Windows

  1. From the Start menu, navigate to Programs > Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration 7.8 > Database Server configuration.

    The Siebel Gateway Name Server Address screen appears.

  2. Enter the values for the Siebel Gateway Name Server Address and Enterprise Server Name as you recorded them in your copy of Deployment Planning Worksheet.
    • Gateway Name Server Address. The alias of the host on which you installed the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
    • Enterprise Server Name. The name you gave to your Enterprise Server, for example, siebel.

      To continue, click Next.

      CAUTION:  If you subsequently add a new language (after you complete your initial installation with your initial set of languages), leave the Gateway Name Server Address and Enterprise Server Name fields blank or an error occurs.

  3. On the Siebel Server Directory screen, perform one of the following tasks:
    • Accept the default value displayed in the Siebel Server Directory field. (This value is the SIEBSRVR_ROOT directory, for example, C:\sea78\siebsrvr.)
    • Select Browse to select an alternate directory path.

      To continue, click Next.

  4. On the Siebel Database Server Directory screen, either:
    • Accept the default path displayed in the Siebel Database Server Directory field. (This path is the DBSRVR_ROOT directory, for example, C:\sea78\dbsrvr.)
    • Select Browse to select an alternate directory.

      To continue, click Next.

  5. On the RDBMS Platform screen, select the RDBMS platform you use, in this case, IBM DB2 for
    z/OS, and then click Next.
  6. On the Siebel Database Operation screen, select Install Database, and then click Next.
  7. On the Select Installation Operation screen:
    • If you are configuring Siebel Database Server software for the first time, select Install Siebel Database, click Next, and then proceed to Step 8.
    • If you have already installed your Siebel Database Server software in its base or primary language, and want to install a new language, see Installing Multilingual Seed Data for further instructions.
    • Install Siebel Data Warehouse Database. For information on this installation option, see the Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide.

      To continue, click Next.

  8. On the Language Selection screen, select the language you want to use as the base language for the database, and click Next.
  9. On the ODBC Data Source Name screen, indicate the following values for your ODBC data source:
    • Accept the default name of the ODBC data source, SiebSrvr_Siebel, or enter the database alias you prefer to use for the data source; this database alias must be registered within DB2 Connect.

      NOTE:  If you define database aliases, you must add the TXNISOLATION parameter to the database alias entry in the db2cli.ini file and set it to have a value of 1. For information on setting values in the db2cli.ini file, refer to the relevant IBM documentation.

      If you want to work with information on a different Database Server to the one currently pointed to, you can type in the ODBC name of that Database Server, provided you previously registered it as an ODBC data source within DB2 Connect.

      The Siebel Server installation process automatically creates the data source, using the format SiebSrvr_EnterpriseServerName.

      NOTE:  There can only be one Database Server in a Siebel Enterprise Server, but you can use another ODBC data source name to generate a new Siebel Schema DDL.

    • Enter the name of the source database DB2 subsystem.

      To continue, click Next.

  10. On the Database User Name screen, indicate the following values for your database:
    • Database User Name. Type the ID (for example, SADMIN) used to log into the Siebel Database Server. This user ID should be part of the security group (secondary authorization group) with authorization to set the current SQLID to the schema name.
    • Database Password. Type the password for the ID used to log into the Siebel Database Server.
    • Database Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.

      To continue, click Next.

  11. On the Siebel Schema Qualifier screen, indicate the following values for your Siebel Schema:
    • Siebel Schema Qualifier. Enter the character ID that identifies the Siebel Schema owner, for example, SIEBTO.

      NOTE:  This ID can be up to eight characters in length, must be in uppercase, must start with a letter, and cannot include any special characters. This value is the SQL Authorization ID stored in the CURRENT SQLID special register.

    • Security Group ID/Grantee. Type the group ID to which schema access is being granted, for example, SSEROLE.

      For more information about the group authorization ID privileges, see Security Concepts for z/OS.

      To continue, click Next.

  12. On the Select Installation Type screen, choose whether to perform a standard or a customized install, and then click Next.
    • Standard Install. The standard installation option installs the database, using one of the Siebel-recommended default storage layouts.
    • Customized Install. For a customized installation, you provide a custom storage control file, which you have created and validated prior to performing this installation. This option allows you to create the database layout that is best suited to your Siebel deployment.

      If you choose to do a Customized Install, See Process of Performing a Custom Installation for information on the remaining steps in the custom installation process.

      If you choose to do a Standard installation, proceed to Step 13.

  13. On the Database Encoding screen, indicate whether your DB2 subsystem is ASCII or EBCDIC. For more information about choosing the code page for your subsystem, see Preparing for Implementation on the DB2 Host.
  14. In the Siebel Schema Layout screen, select one of the following layout options:
    • Siebel Schema without Partitioning. Choose this option if you want all tables in segmented table spaces.
    • Siebel Schema with Partitioning. This layout includes a set of tables that are recommended for partitioning. The remaining nonpartitioned tables are in segmented table spaces. For more information on this option, see Understanding Siebel Partitioning.

      For details about layout considerations, see Configuring the Database Layout.

      To continue, click Next.

  15. On the Storage Group for Table Spaces screen, enter values for the following parameters:
    • Storage Group for Table Spaces. Enter the name for the table storage group.
    • Storage Group for Indexes. Enter the name for the index storage group.

      To continue, click Next.

  16. On the 4KB Buffer Pool Name screen, specify values for the following parameters:
    • 4KB Buffer Pool Name. Type the 4-KB buffer pool name for your table spaces, or accept the default, BP1. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.
    • 16KB Buffer Pool Name. Type the 16-KB buffer pool name for your table spaces, or accept the default, BP16K1. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.

      For more information about layout considerations, see Configuring the Database Layout.

      To continue, click Next.

  17. On the 32KB Buffer Pool Name screen, specify values for the following parameters:
    • 32KB Buffer Pool Name. Enter the 32-KB buffer pool name for your table spaces, or accept the default, BP32K1. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.
    • Index Buffer Pool Name. Type the buffer pool name for the indexes, or accept the default, BP2. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.

      To continue, click Next.

  18. On the Database Name Prefix screen, type the prefix for your database name. The default value is SIDB.

    This prefix consists of up to four of the first characters in the names of your logical Siebel databases. This prefix must start with a letter and cannot contain any special characters. All database names end in numbers.

    To continue, click Next.

  19. On the Select Installation Mechanism screen, indicate which installation mechanism you want to use:
    • Generate DDL Into Files. Select this option to generate the DDL required to create the Siebel Schema into files. Click Next and proceed to Step 20.

      You must later use Siebel-provided scripts, your own FTP, or a similar file transfer program to transport the DDL (schema.sql and ddlview.sql) to z/OS where the DBA executes it using customary methods, for example, SPUFI or DSNTEP2.

    • Run DDL Automatically. Select this option to apply the DDL and DML required to create the Siebel Schema directly against the database, using ODBC to connect. Click Next and then proceed to Step 22.
  20. On the DDL Commit Frequency screen, choose the number of DDL statements that can be run before a COMMIT statement is issued. Click Next.
  21. On the Output Directory screen, indicate the output directory that is to contain schema.sql, ddlview.sql, and the new files to apply DDL on the mainframe, or accept the default directory, C:\sea78\dbsrvr\db2390\dboutput\install.
  22. On the Log Output Directory screen, indicate the directory where you want to generate the log files.

    Accept the default value, install_mf, or enter your new value. Click Next.

  23. In the runnow message box, choose from one of the following options:
    • To apply the configuration now, click OK. Proceed to Step 24.
    • To apply the configuration later, click Cancel. You can apply or restart the configuration later by entering the following command from the command line:

    C:\sea78\siebsrvr\bin\siebupg.exe /m master_install_mf.ucf

    NOTE:  This command is generated dynamically; the path name will vary based on the location of your Siebel Server installation.

  24. On the Configuration Parameter Review screen, review the configuration values you entered on the previous configuration utility screens:
    • To change any of the values, click Previous to return to the screen with the parameter you need to change.
    • If the values are correct, click Finish and the configuration is applied.
  25. When you receive a message stating that the configuration was applied successfully, click OK.

    This step completes the Run DDL Automatically installation option.

    If you chose the Generate DDL Into Files option, you must complete the steps in the following section to complete the installation of the Siebel Schema from the generated DDL.

To Complete the Siebel Schema Installation Using Generated DDL

  1. After the Siebel Upgrade Wizard generates the schema.sql and ddlview.sql files that contain the DDL to create the Siebel Schema, the following message appears:

    Pause #1: Please create Siebel Schema using schema.sql and ddlview.sql located in the Output Directory. Once the objects are created, please select Yes. To stop now and continue installation later please select No. (To resume, please start the Upgrade Wizard from the command line using option /m master_install_mf.ucf).

    • Click No to quit the Siebel Upgrade Wizard until your DBA has had an opportunity to apply the Siebel Schema on the DB2 host. You can relaunch the wizard at any time to continue with this step. Proceed to Step 2.
    • Click Yes if your DBA has already created the Siebel Schema on the DB2 host. The schema is now validated. Proceed to Step 4.
  2. Transfer the schema.sql and ddlview.sql files to z/OS, and have your DBA apply them to create the Siebel Schema.

    For information on how the DBA applies the DDL on the DB2 host, see Applying DDL on the DB2 Host.

    The GRANT VIEW statements in ddlview.sql might cause SQL errors to be generated. For information on using GRANT VIEW statements in DB2 for z/OS v8, see Granting Authorization to Views in DB2 for z/OS v8.

  3. Now that you have created the Siebel Schema on the DB2 host, restart the Siebel Upgrade Wizard from the command line as described in Step 23.

    The Pause #1 message shown in Step 1 is again displayed.

  4. Click Yes in response to this message to validate the schema that has been created on the DB2 host.

    When the schema has been successfully validated, the following message is displayed:

    Pause #2: Please ensure that the schemvld.sql is empty, apart from trigger creations, (which means that Siebel Schema was created successfully). If so, please continue with the UDFs deployment: ftp the files to install UDF functions. (To resume, please start the Upgrade Wizard from the command line using option /m master_install_mf.ucf).

    Make sure that the schemvld.sql file is empty. This file is generated during the installation and placed in the default output directory (dbsrvr\db2390\dboutput\install) or into the output directory that you designated.

  5. Indicate one of the following:
    • Click No to discontinue the Siebel Schema installation process until later. Proceed to Step 6.
    • If your DBA has already deployed user defined functions (UDFs) on the DB2 host, you can continue with the installation by clicking Yes. Proceed to Step 8.
  6. Your DBA must now install user-defined functions on the DB2 host. See the Deploying User-Defined Functions section in Applying DDL on the DB2 Host for further information.
  7. Restart the Upgrade Wizard to continue the schema installation process.
  8. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard displays the final step in the installation, that is, importing Siebel seed data.
    • Click OK and the Siebel Schema is populated with seed data.

      NOTE:  This operation fails if the Siebel Schema has not been created because there is no schema to populate.

    • If you want to exit from the Upgrade Wizard, click Cancel. You can relaunch the wizard at any time to continue with this step.

      When you have successfully populated the schema with seed data, you are ready to carry out the final step in the Siebel Schema installation process - importing the Siebel Repository. For further information on this task, see Importing the Siebel Repository.

The following files are generated by the installation into the default output directory (C:\sea78\dbsrvr\db2390\dboutput\install) or into the output directory that you designated in Step 21.

  • instftp.bat. Use this batch file to run the Siebel-provided scripts, your own FTP, or a similar file transfer program to transport the DDL (schema.sql and ddlview.sql) to DB2.
  • instftp.txt. Use this file to transfer files to the mainframe.
  • jobinstl.txt. Contains JCL and REXX execs to execute the DDL.

TIP:   To preserve a record of the values you entered during the installation, locate and print the master_install_mf.ucf file in the binary subdirectory of your Siebel Server installation directory.

Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS