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Business Component User Properties

Siebel business components are based on the CSSBusComp class directly, or on a C++ class derived from CSSBusComp. Business component user properties allow Siebel configurators to control and adjust the behavior of Siebel Life Sciences using Siebel Tools.

General Business Component User Properties

Table 53 lists the user properties that are general and can apply to any business component.

Table 53. User Properties for All Business Components
User Property Name
User Property Value



User-defined value that connects different business components together so that they interact for the targeting feature.


Tells the business component which target category to use when saving and applying target lists.



Field from the business component you want to save as the ID of the list and use when applying a target list to this business component.

Contact Id

Tells the business component which field from the business component to use when saving and applying target lists.

Specific Business Component User Properties

The following business component user properties are specific to a particular C++ class. This means that the properties are valid only for business components that are based on the C++ class implementing the user property or any of the related derived C++ classes.

Group 1 Business Components

Table 54 lists the user properties that are related to the following business components:

  • Action (class CSSBCActivity)
  • Calendar (class CSSBCCalendar)
Table 54. User Properties Related to Group 1 Business Components
User Property Name
User Property Value

Read-only Activity Types

,ActivityType1,Activity Type2,...,

Value must start and end with a comma, and no spaces between values.

,Attendee Call,Meeting Invitee,

Tells the business component which activity types are to be read-only at the record level. Activity Type is the field category.

Read-only Fields for 'Activity Type'

Activity Type is the category value.

Read-only Fields for 'Account Call'


Value must start and end with a comma, and no spaces between values.

,Contact Last Name,Opportunity,

Tells the business component which fields are to be read-only for a particular activity type. Activity Type is the field category.

Status Field


Field from the business component.

Tells the business component which field is to be used to indicate the status.

Group 2 Business Components

Table 55 lists the user properties that are related to the following business components:

  • Pharma Call Products Detailed (class CSSBCProductDetailed)
  • Pharma GA Call Products Detailed (class CSSBCProductDetailed)
Table 55. User Properties Related to Group 2 Business Components
User Property Name
User Property Value

Max Auto Generated Priority


A numeric value.


Tells the business component the maximum number to go up to when auto-generating priorities for the products detailed.

Template Fields


No start or end comma or spaces between values.

Name,Priority,Product Issue

Tells the business component what fields to copy from the Smart Call template if a Smart Call is chosen.

Group 3 Business Components

Table 56 lists the user properties that are related to the following business components:

  • Pharma Account Call
  • Pharma Attendee Call
  • Pharma Template Call
  • Pharma Professional Call
  • Pharma Promotional Items Dropped
  • Pharma Professional Call Sample Dropped
  • Pharma Activity Product Issues
  • Pharma Call Sample Dropped
  • Pharma Meeting
  • Pharma Meeting Attendee
  • Pharma Meeting Activity
  • Pharma Meeting Speaker

NOTE:  Not all properties are used in all business components. For example, the Template Fields user property supports Pharma Promotional Items Dropped, Pharma Professional Call Sample Dropped, Pharma Activity Product Issues, and Pharma Call Sample Dropped. These business components are not applicable to other user properties in Table 56.

Table 56. User Properties Related to Group 3 Business Components
User Property Name
User Property Value

Attendee Call ReadOnly


Value must start and end with a comma.

,Start Date,Start Time,

Tells the business component what fields are read-only when the Category is Attendee Call.

Cascading Fields


Value must start and end with a comma.

,Start Date,Start Time,

Tells the business component which fields should cascade values to a child call component. Make these fields Force Active in the child call. Works in combination with the SubCall Component user property.

Must Detail Products

Y or N

Tells the business component whether detailed products are required for a call.


Y or N

Tells the business component whether the position that entered the record is the only one that can submit it.

Paper Reference Number Required

Y or N

If Y and the Paper Sign field is selected, then Ref # is a required field for call submission.

Applies to the Pharma Professional Call business component.

Sample Disbursed Required

Y or N

If Y, at least once sample must be disbursed before a call is submitted.

Applies to the Pharma Professional Call business component.

SRE Reference Number Required

Y or N

If Y and the signature is being captured electronically, Ref # is a required field for call submission.

Applies to the Pharma Professional Call business component.

Status Field


Field from the business component.

Tells the business component which field is to be used to indicate the status of the activity.

SubCall Component

Business component name

Any business component name.

Tells the business component the child component to which it should cascade values. Works in combination with the Cascading Fields user property.

Template Components

Business component name

Any business component name.

Tells the business component what child components should be copied from the Smart Call template if a Smart Call is chosen.

Template Fields


No start or end comma.

Name,Priority,Product Issue

Tells the business component what fields to copy from the Smart Call template if a Smart Call is chosen.

Update After Recreate Receipt

Last Name, Address, Start Date, Comment, Signature Captured

Value must start and end with a comma. You can add additional fields, but do not delete any of the default ones (preceding line).

Tells the business component what fields are editable after the Remake Receipt button is clicked.

Applies to the Pharma Professional Call business component.

Update After Submit


Value must start and end with a comma.


Tells the business component what fields are editable after a call is submitted. Generally this user property should be used only to make the Comment field editable.

Update After Synch


Value must start and end with a comma.


Tells the business component what fields are editable after a call is synchronized (with Siebel Pharma Handheld on a PDA). Generally this user property should be used only to make the Comment field editable.

Validate Sample Ref #

Y or N

Tells the business component whether it should require a sample reference number when submitting a call.

Group 4 Business Components

Table 57 lists the user properties that are related to the Clinical Subject (class CSSBCBCClinicalSubject) business components.

These properties, used within the Clinical application, allow you to configure new buttons in the application that relate to subject activity. These user properties are at the Field level (Business Component > Field > Field User Properties).

Table 57. User Properties Related to Group 4 Business Components
User Property Name
User Property Value

Template Type Code

No default.

Select CLNCL_SUBJ_VST_TMPL_TYPE from the List of Values

(Application Administration > List of Values > List of Values)

Defines the visit activity applied when the newly configured button is selected.

Subject Status Code

No default.

Select CLNCL_SUBJECT_STATUS from the List of Values

(Application Administration > List of Values > List of Values)

Defines the status for the subject that is applied when the newly configured button is selected.

Template Version Field Name

No default.

Must be made Force Active in the Business Component.

The corresponding Version ID Field Name that is populated with the version ID of the template version that created the activity.

Subject Consent Required

Y or N


This flag indicates whether or not the subject has the Informed Consent Date filled in for the active template for your protocol site. If you set this to Y, and the date is not filled in correctly, an error occurs.

Append All Activities

Y or N


When set to Y, activities are appended.

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