Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Getting Started with Siebel Loyalty > Configuration of Siebel Loyalty >

Allowing Additional Fields to Control Loyalty Points Given

Without configuration, you can use the following fields to define in the Administration - Products > Points view many base points per product a member receives for an accrual transaction or needs to use for a redemption transaction: Partner, Departure Airport, Departure Zone, Arrival Airport, Arrival Zone, Booking Class, Roundtrip. For accruals, base points are the number of points that a member earn for completing an accrual transaction, regardless of tier status, other applicable promotions, and so on. For redemptions, base points are the number of points required to purchase this product.

To use different transaction fields to control base points

  1. Create a list of the transaction attributes (fields) that you want to control the base points given, including the potential values for each of the new fields
  2. In Siebel Tools:
    1. Update the two business components with these new fields:
      • Transactions (LOY Transaction)
      • Administration - Product > Points (LOY Product Points)
    2. Expose these new fields in the user interface in the following places:
      • Member > Transactions
      • Transactions
      • Statement > Transactions
      • Administration - Product > Points

        NOTE:  Use Products > Points only if you also want to add it to the read-only Products view.

      • Base Points pop-up pick list

        NOTE:  This is the pop-up pick list that appears when you click on the Base Points field in the Transactions List. It is used to choose the specific characteristics and point value for the product you already associated with the transaction. You must modify this list applet by adding the new fields.

    3. Modify the query applet:
      • Currently, the application displays a query applet, the user enters the desired characteristics of the product there, and then the application displays the Base Points pop-up picklist with the applicable point values.
      • If you want it to go directly to the Base Points pick list, clear the Auto Query value (which is currently Query).
      • If you want to keep the Query, update the pop-up query applet (Applet Web Template mode) to include the new fields.
  3. In your Siebel application, in the Administration - Data > List of Values view, create list of values as needed for each new field.
  4. Test to make sure that, when you choose a record in the Base Points pop-up pick applet, the values chosen from that applet are transferred to the Transaction. For example, if you currently choose a point value with Booking Class = Y, it should automatically fill in Booking Class = Y on the Transactions List Applet.
    1. Use pick maps to copy the value.
    2. The pick map should have values Field = <name of the field in the Transaction Business Component> and Picklist Field = <name of the Booking Class field in the Product Points Business Component>
    3. Do this for every field that should be copied from the Product Points Business Component to the Transaction Business Component.
Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide