Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Getting Started with Siebel Loyalty > Configuration of Siebel Loyalty >

Creating Point Types for Loyalty Programs

A point is a loyalty program's currency. Members earn points for completing a desired action (such as completing a flight or referring a friend to the program). They then use these points to purchase products or services.

Most loyalty programs only have one point type. For example, most airlines' frequent flyer programs have one point type. Within that point type, they have qualifying points that count toward tier status and non-qualifying points, also called bonus points, that do not count toward tier status. But these are still one point type. The qualifying and non-qualifying points are added together to calculate the total available balance of that point type, which can then be used for redemptions.

Other companies may have multiple point types. For example, multiple point types could be used in a joint individual/account loyalty program, with one type of points going to individuals and another going to accounts, and with different accrual and redemption rules associated with each point type. Multiple point types could also be used to differentiate the value of a purchase from the host company and from a partner. For example, an airline could say that in order to qualify for Silver Tier status, a member had to earn either 25,000 points flying on the host airline or 35,000 points flying on partner airlines. In this example, points earned flying the host airline would be one point type, and points earned flying on partners would be a second point type.

In addition, a separate point type should be created to track any action that can qualify a member for a tier. For example, if a hotel says that a member can earn Silver Tier status either by earning 10,000 points or staying 35 times, then there should be two point types. The first point type is the standard points that can qualify for the member for tier status and can also be used for redemptions. The second point type tracks the number of stays, with the member getting 1 point for each stay; these points cannot be used for redemptions, but they can qualify a member for a tier.

For more information about point types, see Defining Point Types for Loyalty Programs.

When loyalty administrators define a new loyalty program, they must select the point types the program uses in the Point Types view of the Loyalty Program Administration screen.

Siebel Loyalty comes with three point types created in the data model and UI. A fourth point type is already in the data model, but is not exposed in the UI. You can configure the product to create additional point types. You should be familiar with Siebel Tools before performing this task. For more information about Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools. For more information about modifying lists of values, see Applications Administration Guide.

NOTE:  If your loyalty programs use only one point type, the administrator should create only one point type and you should configure the product to hide the other point types, for example in the Member > More Info view.

This section gives you general instructions on how to add more point types.

To add a new point type

  1. Using Siebel Tools, create new table columns with the following values:
    Column to Copy
    New Column Name
















  2. Using Siebel Tools, create new business component fields with the following values, and map these fields to the new columns created in Step 1:
    Business Component
    Field to Copy
    New Field Name

    LOY Engine Member

    Point 4 Value

    Point 5 Value

    LOY Engine Member

    Lifetime Point 4 Value

    Lifetime Point 5 Value

    LOY Engine Member Tier

    Point 4 Value

    Point 5 Value

  3. In your Siebel application, in the Administration - Data > List of Values view, add the following value to the list of values list:
    LOV Type
    Display Name


    Point 5 Value

    Point 5 Value

  4. Make changes to the other copies of the Member and Member Tier Business Components and Applets needed to expose the changes in the client.

    With this configuration, users will be able to select Point 5 Value as a point type when they create loyalty programs.

Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide