Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring Email Marketing > Configuring Email Marketing Daemons >

Configuring the Click-Through Daemon

This topic contains the information that you need to configure the Click-Through Daemon to communicate with the Marketing Component Group. The Click-Through Daemon needs to pass the server details about the HTTP requests it has serviced (Tracked URLs, Forward To Friend, and so on) to the Marketing Component Group.

To configure the Click-Through Daemon to connect to the Marketing Component Group, perform the following tasks:

CAUTION:  During this process, do not start the Click-Through Daemon until told to do so. If you do accidentally start it, stop it immediately before proceeding.

The script used to start both ESD and CTD uses the same ports for both applications. For them to run together on the same server, the startup and shutdown ports must be unique. To change the ports, edit either the esd or ctd install>/conf/server.xml files.

ESD Example:

<Server port = "8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug ="0"> (port changed 8005 to port 8006)

<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector" port ="8081"...> (port changed 8080 to port 8081)

CTD Example:

<Server port = "8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug ="0"> (This is the default, and was not changed)

<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector" port ="8181"...> (port changed 8080 to port 8181)

Configure the Click-Through Daemon HTTP Server Port

Personalization elements sent in emails to contacts and prospects that the Click-Through Daemon services (for example, Track Message Open, Tracked URLs, and so on) must be able to issue HTTP requests to the Click-Through Daemon. You need to configure your firewalls/DMZ to service these requests and the Email Sending Daemon to listen for these HTTP requests on a specific port.

  • Identify the port number to use to service HTTP requests on the Click-Through Daemon and write it down for use in subsequent tasks.

    NOTE:  A best practice is to use port 80, which is the standard port for HTTP requests. Typically, this port is open for most firewalls between the corporate network and the Internet. Therefore, using this port minimizes connection issues between the Click-Through Daemon and your contacts and prospects.

  • Configure your firewall to properly service these requests over this port.
  • Open the following file with a text editor, such as WordPad (Windows) or vi (UNIX):

    <ctd installation directory>\conf\server.xml

  • Search for the following phrase:

    Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector

  • Search for the XML tag Connector using the following phrase:

    Find the value of the port attribute

    By default this value is 8080. If you chose a different port number to service HTTP requests on the Click-Through Daemon, change the port attribute value and save the file.

Verifying the Click-Through Daemon Installation

To verify the installation was successful, you start the Click-Through Daemon and then perform the installation test. For information about testing how the Email Marketing components and the Marketing Component Group work together, read Final Test of Email Marketing Components.

To start the Click-Through Daemon on Windows 2000 Server

  1. From the desktop, click Start and choose Settings > Control Panel.
  2. In Control Panel, choose Administrative Tools > Services.
  3. Right-click the ctd service and select Start.

To start the Click-Through Daemon on a UNIX server

  1. Open a window and navigate to the Click-Through Daemon install directory.
  2. Enter and run the following command:

    ./ start &

  3. Optionally, you can enter and run the following commands:

    ./ start &; tail -f logs/ctd.log

    NOTE:  The first command (./ start &) launches the daemon. The second command (tail -f logs/ctd.log) displays output to the ctd log as it is running without generating a read lock on the file. A read lock would prevent the tail command from working.

To verify the Click-Through Daemon installation

  1. Verify that the Click-Through Daemon MS Windows service or UNIX process runs and stays running without an error message.
  2. Open the ctd_InstallLog.log file (found in the <ctd installation directory>) and read the Summary at the start of the file. Make sure it says that the installation was successful with no warnings or errors. If there are warnings or errors, you need to identify the cause and fix the error.
  3. Verify that a ctd.log file exists in the following directory:

    <ctd installation directory>\logs\ctd.log

  4. Verify that the following text is in the ctd.log file:

    INFO ConnectTest Successfully connected to Siebel Server!

    INFO ConnectTest Logged out of Siebel.

  5. Make sure there are no ERROR or WARN level messages in the ctd.log file.
  6. Confirm that the Click-Through Daemon Web container is running.

    NOTE:  To do this, you need the port number that you obtained in Configure the Click-Through Daemon HTTP Server Port.

    • Verify that you can open the following Web page without an error using Internet Explorer:

    http://< click-through daemon server hostname>:< click-through daemon http port>/ctd/enu/ftfThankyou.jsp

Configuring the Click-Through Daemon, Web Marketing, and Events Base URLs

This section describes how to configure the base URLs for URLs sent in email campaigns. The following are the sets of base URLs that may be generated:

  • Click-Through Daemon base URL (used for Tracked URLs, Forward To Friend, and so on)
  • Web Marketing base URL
  • Events base URL

To configure base URLs for email campaigns

  1. Navigate to the Siebel Marketing Server login screen at the following location:

    http://<marketing application hostname>/marketing_enu

  2. Log in as the server administrator.
  3. Navigate to Administration - Marketing screen > Servers.
  4. In the Servers list, in the Name field, query for Email Marketing Server.
  5. In the parameters list, in the Value field, update the values as shown in the following list:
    Parameter Type

    Click-Through Daemon (CTD)

    http://<click-through daemon server hostname>:<port number>

    Web Server

    <URL for Web Marketing>;<URL for Events>

    For example, http://<hostname>/emarketing_enu; http://<hostname>/eevents_enu

Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.