Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring Email Marketing >

Requirements for Installing Email Marketing

Before installing Email Marketing, you need to perform the following tasks:

Configuring Basic and Advanced Email Personalization

Your application can be configured to use one of two methods for email merge fields:

  • Basic. The Basic mode should be used when your organization has not licensed or deployed the marketing segmentation module, or if your requirements do not call for advanced merge fields. This option uses a fixed set of merge fields based on the available fields in the campaign recipient business component. In this mode, the email list is generated directly from the business component and delivered to the Email Sending Daemon for sending the email messages.
  • Advanced. The Advanced mode is only available if your organization has deployed the marketing segmentation module. This option provides a flexible set of merge fields based on data from any data source or table accessed by the Siebel Analytics repository. The merge fields are determined by the fields in the Personalization Format (Email Server list format) that you select for the email offer.

To configure basic email personalization mode

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers.
  2. Select a server.
  3. In the Components tab, query for the Marketing component.
  4. Click the Parameters tab for this object manager.
  5. Query for the Email Personalization Format parameter.
  6. Make sure the Value field is set to any value other than a path name. For example, set it to Default Merge Fields. Using a nonpath name as a value enables Basic Personalization.

The Advanced Personalization Mode requires that you install the Marketing Module for segmentation and list generation and configure the required marketing metadata for list export. Perform the following steps to setup Advanced Email Personalization.

To configure advanced email personalization mode

  1. Configure the marketing metadata for list generation. For instructions, read the chapter on "Configuring Marketing Module Metadata" in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide.
  2. Create one or more Email Server List Formats in the List Format Designer. For instructions, read Defining Email Server Formats.
  3. Designate one of the list formats as the default Email Personalization format for the application. This set of merge fields populates for any new email offers that are created.
    1. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components.
    2. In the components list, query for the Marketing (ENU) component.
    3. Click the Parameters view tab.
    4. In the Component Parameters list, query for the Email Personalization Format parameter.

      The initial value is Default Merge Fields.

    5. To change the default system email list format to another email list format, enter the full Web catalog path in the Value on Restart column. For example:

    /shared/Marketing/Example List Formats/Advanced Merge Fields

    1. If the catalog path is too long to enter in the parameter column, you may need to shorten the folder and list format name in the Analytics Web catalog.

Removing an Existing Version of the Email Marketing Daemons

If you have an existing version of the Email Sending Daemon, Bounce Handling Daemon, and Click-Through Daemon, you must remove them before proceeding with this install.

To remove existing Email Marketing daemons on Windows 2000 Server

  1. From the Start menu choose Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Stop the services for Email Marketing daemons.
    1. Right-click the existing Email Sending Daemon service (labeled esd) and select Stop.
    2. Right-click the existing Bounce Handler Daemon service (labeled bhd) and select Stop.
    3. Right-click the existing Click-Through Daemon service (labeled ctd) and select Stop.
  3. Return to the Control Panel and select Add or Remove Programs.
  4. To remove each daemon, perform the following steps (following the instructions in each dialog box):
    1. Select the Email Sending Daemon program and click Change/Remove.
    2. Select the Bounce Handler Daemon program and click Change/Remove.
    3. Select the Click-Through Daemon program and click Change/Remove.
  5. Locate the directory where the following Email Marketing daemon programs were installed and remove the daemons.

    NOTE:  After the uninstall, some files that could cause problems for the new installation may remain. Deleting files in these directories makes sure that the new installation does not inherit outdated information.

    • The default installation location for Email Sending Daemon is C:\Program Files\esd.
    • The default installation location for Bounce Handler is C:\Program Files\bhd.
    • The default installation location is C:\Program Files\ctd.

To remove existing Email Marketing daemons on a UNIX server

  1. Log in as root.

    The Root user has the rights to install and remove applications.

  2. To remove the Email Sending Daemon program, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the directory where the Email Sending Daemon program was installed and, if it is running, stop the Email Sending Daemon using the following command:

    ./ stop

    1. Navigate to the parent directory where the Email Sending Daemon program was installed and remove the Email Sending Daemon program directory using the following command:

    rm -rf esd

  3. To remove the Bounce Handler Daemon program, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the directory where the Bounce Handler Daemon program was installed and, if it is running, stop the Bounce Handler Daemon using the following command:

    ./bin/ stop

    1. Navigate to the parent directory where the Bounce Handler Daemon program was installed and remove the Bounce Handler Daemon program directory using the following command:

    rm -rf bhd

  4. To remove the Click-Through Daemon program, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the directory where the Click-Through Daemon program was installed and, if it is running, stop the Click-Through Daemon using the following command:

    ./ stop

    1. Navigate to the parent directory where the Click-Through Daemon program was installed and remove the Click-Through Daemon program directory using the following command:

    rm -rf ctd

Install the Java Software Development Kit (SDK)

Install the most recent maintenance release of the Java 1.4.2 SDK, not the JRE. The Java 2 SDK is a superset of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and contains everything that is in the JRE, plus tools such as the compilers and debuggers necessary for developing applets and applications. The SDK files and instructions on how to install the SDK can be found on Sun's Java site at

Verifying the Object Manager Component is Enabled and Running

The object manager component (such as Marketing) to which you connect must be enabled and running on the Siebel Server. To verify this, use the following guidelines:

  • Log in to Siebel Server.
  • Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components.
  • Query for the alias name and make sure the component has a status of Online or Running.

    For example, the Marketing component for the English language version has an alias name of SMObjMgr_enu.

Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.