Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Designing Marketing Campaign Load Formats > About Marketing Integration Objects >

About the Marketing Contact Integration Object

The Marketing Contact integration object provides field mappings to typical contact- and account-related information from the external data sources. The predefined integration object, Marketing Contact, defines the information that is exchanged between the external data source and Siebel Marketing, using EAI technology. For more information about EAI, read Overview: Siebel Business Application Integration Volume I. For a list of fields for the Marketing Contact integration object, read Field Names for Marketing Integration Components.

Figure 2 shows the integration components for the Marketing Contact integration object. Required fields apply when a new contact is inserted into the Siebel transactional database.

Figure 2. Marketing Contact Integration Components

During campaign load, integration component User Keys determine if a record already exists in the component (for the given values) and if the record is unique. Required fields cannot be a null value for the new record.

Table 18 describes the Marketing Contact integration components.

Table 18. Marketing Contact Integration Component Description


Maps account information associated with the contact.

Account Address

Maps the account address.

Account Organization

Maps information about the account's organization.

Campaign Contact

Maps campaign history-level information such as campaign Id, load number, wave number, contact Id, prospect Id, account Id, and the keys that bind contacts with their unique IDs in the data warehouse.


Maps contact-level information such as the contact's name, telephone number, email address, and so on.

Contact Address

Maps the contact's address information.

Contact Organization

The Contact Organization component maps information about the contact organization.

Mapping Rules for the Marketing Contact Integration Components

Using contact information for campaign load requires the following integration components:

  • Contact. Includes information such as contact first name, contact last name, and so on.
  • Campaign Contact. Fields must be mapped in the campaign load report. Mapping includes the required campaign load columns and the keys that store unique IDs from the data warehouse for the party (contacts, prospects, or accounts) being loaded.

Use the following rules when mapping components:

  • A parent integration component must be mapped before mapping a child component. For example, the Account Address component cannot be mapped unless Account is mapped.
  • User Key fields must be mapped for each integration component if one or more fields for the component is mapped.
  • Required fields must be mapped for each integration component if one or more fields for the component are mapped.
  • Make sure that the campaign load format includes a column indicating the organization in which the contact and account data should be loaded.

Sample Mappings for Contact Key Components

The combination of keys that are mapped in the campaign load report depend upon the target levels that you use.

Table 19 describes examples of Key mappings for sample target levels.

Table 19. Key Mappings for Sample Target Levels
Target Level
Key Mapping


Key 1


Key 2


Key 3


Key 4

Changes for Segmentation Bridge Users

If you use the Marketing Segmentation Bridge to execute campaigns in Siebel Marketing 6.3, 7.0, or 7.5, the campaign load formats have a some modifications from the 7.7 format.

Segmentation Bridge User Key columns

To populate campaigns in Siebel 6.3, 7.0, and 7.5, modify the required user key columns to match the user keys in the pre-7.7 version of Siebel Marketing. Table 20 shows the integration components and required columns for Siebel Marketing versions 6.3, 7.0, and 7.5.

Table 20. Required Columns for the Marketing Contact Integration Object for Siebel Marketing versions 6.3, 7.0, and 7.5
Integration Component

Campaign Contact

Campaign Occurrence Id


Scalability Batch Number


Segment Id


Token Number


Wave Id



First Name


Last Name


Person UId


Contact Key

Family Level Id


Key 1


Master Key


When you move your environment from a segmentation bridge environment to a nonbridged environment (Siebel Enterprise and Marketing Server on the same version), make the following changes to convert your campaign load format:

  • Remove the Family Level Id and Master Key columns; they are no longer needed.
  • Replace the Campaign Occurrence Id column with Campaign Id.
  • Add the Load Number column. This is a new user key column in 7.7.
End of Line Character

To populate campaigns in Siebel 6.3, 7.0, and 7.5, the end of each line of the campaign load file (loaded by EAI) must have a tilde character (~) concatenated to the end of the last column. In a nonbridged environment, the tilde character is not required. Modify the column formula for the last (rightmost) column to remove the concatenation.

Campaign Load File Header Modifications

To populate campaigns in Siebel 6.3, 7.0, and 7.5, the campaign load file (the EAI file) required a header with the following four lines:

# Marketing Contact
# TIME : mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
# @{recordCount}{0}

A nonbridged environment requires only two lines. For nonbridged environments, remove the time stamp and record count lines from the bridge version as follows:

# Marketing Contact

Remove the extra lines from your EAI header.

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