Siebel Marketing User Guide > List Management > Process of Importing and Managing External Lists >

Mapping External List Columns to Database Columns

Every column in the file to import must be mapped to an existing column in the prospects table in the Siebel Database or to an attribute created for this purpose. If you import response or campaign data, you can also map to response and campaign fields. For more information about mapping attributes, read Adding Additional Attributes to a List.

CAUTION:  Make sure that you map every column before launching the import.

To map list columns to database columns in the prospect table

  1. Navigate to the List Management screen > Lists view.
  2. Click the list name.
  3. Click the List Import view tab.
  4. Scroll down to the List Import Format list and map every column to an existing database column in the prospect table or to an attribute created for this purpose.
  5. In the List Import Format list, save the format in one of the following ways:
    1. The first time you save a format, click Save as New.

      Save as New retains the original format and saves the modified format separately. Saved formats appear in the List Management screen's List Imports Formats view tab.

    2. Click Save to overwrite the original format.

      Use this save option if you make changes to the mappings and want to preserve them.

To verify which database columns are used for matching and update

  1. In the form in the List Import view, copy the name of the List Import Format in the List Import Format field.
  2. In the List Management link bar, click List Import Formats.
  3. Query for the name that you copied in the List Import view.

    The lower list displays the columns that you mapped from the import file.

  4. In the Exact Match Column field, check each column from the list to use for an exact match.

NOTE:  These settings are only used when you have selected Exact match or Exact and Intelligent match as the matching approach.

  1. In the Allow Field Updates field, check the fields to allow to be overwritten when using the Overwrite existing record match resolution.
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