Siebel Marketing User Guide

What's New in This Release

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Marketing Process Flow

About Campaigns

Executing Campaigns from Start to Finish

Executing Stand-Alone Campaigns from Start to Finish

Executing Marketing Programs from Start to Finish

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Planning and Budgeting for Marketing

About Planning and Budgeting for Marketing

Process of Creating Marketing Plans and Budget Requests

Creating Marketing Plans

Setting Goals for Marketing Plans

Creating Plan Tactics and Associating Plan Tactics with Marketing Plans

About Developing and Tracking Budgets for Marketing Plans

Developing and Tracking Budgets for Marketing Plans

Associating Fund Requests with Marketing Plans

Attaching Documents to Marketing Plans

Adding Expenses for Events, Campaigns, and Programs

Associating Invoices and Invoice Items with Expenses

Using the Marketing Plan Explorer

Creating and Submitting Budget Requests

About Loyalty Programs

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Marketing Segments and Segment Trees

About Segment Designer

Creating Segments in Segment Designer

Adding Criteria Blocks to Segments

Saving Result Sets for Marketing Segments

Segment Advanced Options

About Segment Tree Designer

Creating and Editing Segment Trees

Splitting Segments or Branches

Constraining List Data for a Segment Tree

Adding or Removing Constraints to the Eligible Audience

Segment Tree Advanced Options

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Designing Marketing Programs

About Designing Marketing Programs

Process of Designing Marketing Programs

About Multistage Programs

About the Program Execution Workflow

Creating Programs

About Using the Program Flow

Adding Stages to Programs

Using Repeating Stages Within Programs

Assigning Segments to Stages

Adding Campaigns to Stages

Setting Up Waves for Campaign Loads

Adding Imported or Internal Lists to Campaigns

Adding Trees to Stages and Allocating Segment Tree Cells

Creating and Applying Program Templates

Executing Programs

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Creating and Using Offers

About Creating and Using Offers

Process of Creating and Modifying Offers

Creating, Modifying, and Associating Products with Offers

Creating and Modifying Offers

Associating Products with Offers

About Creating and Editing Offer Templates

Process of Creating and Editing Offer Templates

Creating Offer Templates and Adding to the Template List

About Using Hyperlinks (HREF) in Offer Templates

About Email Offers

Process of Working with Email Offers

Creating Email Offers

Associating Templates with Email Offers

Editing Offers

Adding Attachments to Email Offers

Adding Response Forms to Email Offers

Creating Activities for Contacts and Prospects

Previewing Offers

Personalization Items

Merge Fields Personalization Item

Using Merge Fields in Email Offers

About Merge Fields in Email Offers

About Creating Conditional Content

If-Then-Else Personalization Element

Named Blocks Personalization Element

About Applying Localization Rules to Offers

About Fax Offers

Process of Working with Fax Offers

Associating Templates with Fax Offers

Delivery Profiles for Fax Offers

Creating Delivery Profiles and Associating with Fax Offers

Web Offers

Associating Templates with Web Offers

Adding Attachments to Web Offers Downloads List

About Associating Web Offers, Web Surveys, Events, and URLs with Offers

Related Web Offers, Related Web Surveys, Related Events, and Related URLs links

Associating Web Offers, Web Surveys, Events, and URLs with Offers

Creating Other Offer Types

Contact Call Offers

Direct Mail Offers

Media Offers

Phone Offers and Direct Sales Offers

Creating Call Guides for Phone Offers

Wireless Offers

Associating Literature with Offers

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Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns

About Siebel Campaigns

Process of Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns

About Creating and Using Activity Plans

Creating Activity Templates

Associating Activity Plans with Programs and Campaigns

Viewing Timelines

Associating Documents with Programs and Campaigns

Process of Setting Up Campaigns

Creating Campaigns

Campaign Elements That Can Be Associated with Campaigns

Associating Offers with Campaigns

Associating Related Events with Campaigns

Using SmartScripts with Campaigns

Creating and Applying Campaign Templates

Process of Setting Up Teams and Groups

Assigning Teams to Campaigns

Setting Up Campaign Groups

Associating Groups with Campaigns

Process of Setting Up Campaign Execution Options

Setting Up Execution Options for Campaigns

Using Assignment Manager with Campaign Contacts

Process of Setting Up Campaign Quotas

Creating Campaign Quota Plans

Defining Quotas for the Plan

Assigning Awards to the Campaign Quota Objective

Assigning Campaign Quota Plan Participants

Process of Setting Up Campaign Assignment Skills

Associating Assignment Skills with Campaigns

Defining Campaign Skill Items

Deleting Assignment Skills and Campaign Skill Items

Using Siebel Marketing with Siebel Events Management

Testing Campaigns

Scenario for Testing Campaigns

Testing Campaigns That Have Email, Fax, and Wireless Offers

About Using Response Management

Adding Response Information to Prospect or Contact Records

Using Automatic Source Code and Offer Code Lookups

Adding Products to Responses

Adding Orders to Responses

Adding Opportunities to Responses

Adding Attachments to Responses

Response Type Definitions

Promoting Responses to Opportunities

Creating Automatic Responses from Opportunities and Orders

Reviewing and Adding Campaign Elements in Campaign Explorer

Process of Loading Customers in Campaigns

Associating Lists of Prospects or Contacts with Campaigns

Troubleshooting the Contact/Prospect List

Adding Contacts and Prospects to Campaigns Individually

Viewing Campaign Contacts and Prospects

Loading Campaigns

About Reviewing Contacts and Prospects in Active Campaigns

Using Waves with Campaigns

About Previewing and Generating Lists

Previewing Lists

Manually Generating Campaign Lists

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Launching Programs and Campaigns

About Launching Programs and Campaigns

Process of Launching Campaigns

Launching Campaigns Manually

Launching Email and Fax Campaigns

Understanding the Marketing Campaign Launch Workflow Process

Checking Campaign Launch Status

Suspending and Relaunching Email Campaigns

Process of Using the Schedule Calendar View

Schedule Calendar View

Scheduling a Stage Execution

Scheduling the Execution of Campaigns

Displaying Campaign Charts in Siebel Campaigns

Displaying Campaign Achievement Charts

Displaying Call Status Analysis Charts

Displaying Call Status Analysis by Employee Charts

Displaying Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign Charts or Response Charts

Displaying Opportunity Revenue Analyses

Displaying Order Revenue Analysis Charts

Displaying Campaign Trend Analyses

Process of Displaying Response Charts in Siebel Campaigns

Accessing the Response Charts

Displaying the Campaign Analysis (Response) Charts

Displaying the Opportunity Analysis (Response) Charts

Displaying the Offer Analysis (Response) Charts

Displaying the Offer Type Analyses (Response) Charts

Displaying the Revenue Analysis (Response) Charts

Displaying the Average Opportunity Revenue Analysis (Response) Charts

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List Management

Siebel List Management Module

Process of Importing and Managing External Lists

Verifying Preinstallation Requirements

About Importing External Lists

Creating Records for Importing External Lists

Matching Approach and Match Resolution

Selecting Matching Approach and Match Resolution

Mapping External List Columns to Database Columns

Launching Import Requests and Tracking the Import Status

Campaign and Response Data

Maintaining Attributes for List Records

Mapping Fields

Applying List Import Formats

Displaying Import Status and Error Messages

Process of Creating and Managing Internal Lists and Subscription Lists

Associating Prospect Lists in Siebel Marketing

Creating Internal Lists

Adding Prospects or Contacts to Internal Lists

Creating Lists of Prospects Using Additional Attributes

Creating and Managing Subscription Lists

Promotion of Prospects to Contacts

Promoting Single or Multiple Prospects

Promotion Map Modifications

Modifying Map Entries

Process of Viewing and Maintaining Lists

Displaying Lists of Contacts or Prospects

Deactivating or Deleting Lists

Removing Prospects or Contacts from Lists

Integrating List Management with D&B

Viewing Account Data for D&B Prospects

Promotion of D&B Prospects

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Setting Up and Using Web Marketing

Web Marketing Web Site Visitors

Anonymous Visitor

Email Contact

Email Prospect

Logged-In Contact

Siebel Web Marketing Installation Requirements

Control of User Access to the Web Marketing Web Site

Default Responsibilities and Users for Web Marketing

Default Campaigns and Default Offers

Use of Siebel Personalization with Web Marketing

Customization of the Web Marketing User Interface

Web Templates

Web Marketing Without Frames

Full-Text Search

Response Management

Siebel Web Marketing Web Site

Web Marketing Offers Page

Web Marketing Product Detail View

Web Marketing Web Survey View

About Adding Unstructured Content

Web Marketing Information Page

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Siebel Marketing User Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.