Siebel Marketing User Guide > Creating and Using Offers > Creating, Modifying, and Associating Products with Offers >

Creating and Modifying Offers

You can use the following procedures to create and modify offers. After creating an offer you can associate an offer template with it.

To create an offer

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen.
  2. In the All Offers list, create a record.
  3. Complete the fields, using Table 20 as a guide.

To modify an offer

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen.
  2. In the All Offers list, select an offer to change.
  3. Make the necessary changes, using guidelines in Table 20.
    Table 20. Selected Offer Fields

    Offer Code

    Contains a unique code that identifies the offer. You can change this code, but make sure the new value is unique.


    Identifies the channel used to distribute the offer.

    For example, Email, Fax, or Wireless Message.


    Designates the purpose of the offer. For example, Cross-Sell, Retention, or Up-Sell.

    Activation Date

    Identifies the date that the offer becomes active. You can associate an inactive offer with a campaign, but when you launch the campaign, only active offers are executed.

    Expiration Date

    Use the calendar controls to select the offer's expiration date.

    Expired offers should not be associated with campaigns because they are not sent out when the campaign is launched.


    Enter a description of the offer.

    Subject Text

    Used for email offers. The text to appear in the subject line of the email.

    You can include merge fields in the subject line if desired. For example: Exciting offer for [Field: M/M] [Field: First Name] [Field: Last Name].

    Approval Status

    Indicates if the offer has been submitted, approved, or declined.

    Approval History

    Shows the approval history of the offer.


    Use to indicate which products are being promoted by this offer.

    Price List

    Used to associate a previously defined price list with this offer.

    A marketer can create promotional prices for specific products. When an offer recipient clicks a product item hyperlink in an email or Web offer and goes to the product detail Web page, the recipient sees the promotional price that was defined using Siebel Pricer.

    The set of products associated with the selected price list can be different from the set of products defined in the offer's product list. When a contact responds to an offer, clicks a product link, and goes to the product detail page, the contact sees the promotional price that is defined for that product only if that product is a part of the price list that was selected for this offer. Otherwise, the contact gets the default price for the product.


    For email offers, do not change the value in this field.


    Used to locate the correct, language-specific Web page.

    Email Marketing Server

    Used for email offers and Web offers only. Use to select the Email Marketing Server when sending an Email Offer. This server provides the following:

    • From and Reply-To header values.
    • Connection details for the email sending daemon.
    • SMTP envelope Sender address domain (for bounces).
    • Base URL to use in constructing Response Forms and Related URLs.
    • Web Server base URL (for product catalog items, Web offers, Web surveys, some response forms, and events).

    Subscription List

    Use to select a marketing list of type Subscription List and associate this list with this offer. The subscription list may already have contacts or prospects or be empty.

    Create Activity check box

    Used for email offer templates. Select this option to set activity logging. When the email is sent, an activity is created for each recipient of the email, stating that the email was sent. The activity record is created through the System Activity Object for either the Campaign Recipient or Campaign Position business components.

    Delivery Profile

    Used when sending fax offers. This field is only available in the fax offers view, not in fax offer records in the All Offers view. Profiles are created using the Communications Administration screen's Communications Drivers and Profiles view. For more information, read Creating Delivery Profiles and Associating with Fax Offers.

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