Siebel Marketing User Guide > Launching Programs and Campaigns > Process of Using the Schedule Calendar View >

Scheduling a Stage Execution

Use the following procedure to schedule stages of a program for automatic execution.

To schedule the execution of a stage

  1. Navigate to the Programs screen.
  2. In the Programs list, click the program name.
  3. Click the Schedule view tab.
  4. In the Calendar view, click the calendar icon for the date that the program starts.
  5. In the activity form, complete the fields using Table 44 as a guide.
  6. Select the Active Flag so that the scheduling takes effect.

    If you select the active flag, the stage executes as soon as the activity time arrives. If you do not select the active flag, no execution occurs.

  7. Click Save This One when you are ready to save the schedule.

    The stage name and launch time appear in the Schedule calendar. The calendar also reflects any recurrence of the stage.

Table 44. Activity Fields for a Stage Execution


Enter more information about the program schedule, if desired.


This field displays the previously added program description. Enter more information if desired.


If the program is repeating, choose the repeat cycle from the list. Options are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly.

Planned Completion

The default value in this field is the program's end date. Click the calendar select button, use the calendar controls to set the date and time.

Planned Start

The default value in this field is the program start date. Click the calendar select button, and use calendar controls to set the start date and time for program execution.


(Required) You must select the stage of the program that should execute.


(Required) The Type field displays Stage Execution as the default. If Stage Execution does not appear in the field, select it from the list.


If the stage repeats over time and you want to delete every repeating instance, choose Delete All.

To edit the schedule

  1. Navigate to the Programs screen.
  2. In the Programs list, click the program name.
  3. Click the Schedule view tab.
  4. In the Schedule's calendar, click the program name.

    Make sure the Active Flag is still checked so that execution occurs.

  5. In the Schedule form, make changes, and click Save This One.

To delete a schedule

  1. Navigate to the Programs screen.
  2. In the Programs list, click the Schedule view tab.
  3. In the Schedule's calendar, click the program name to open the Schedule form.
  4. Click the menu button, and choose Delete This One.

    If the stage repeats over time, you are asked if you want to delete a single instance or every repeating instance.

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