Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Budgeting for Marketing > Process of Creating Marketing Plans and Budget Requests >

Developing and Tracking Budgets for Marketing Plans

You can use marketing plans to develop budgets. As you implement tactics, you can track the financial status of the marketing plan.

To assign requested and assigned budgets to marketing plan tactics

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Plans screen.
  2. In the Marketing Plans list, click a marketing plan.
  3. Click the Plan Tactics view tab, and verify that you have associated your targeted programs, events, and stand-alone campaigns.

    For more information on associating plan tactics, read Creating Plan Tactics and Associating Plan Tactics with Marketing Plans.

  4. If the columns for Assigned Budget and Requested Budget are not visible in the list, then make them visible.
    1. From the Plan Tactics Menu, choose Columns Displayed.
    2. In the Columns Displayed dialog box, move Assigned Budget and Requested Budget to the Selected Columns list and click Save.
  5. In the appropriate column, enter the assigned or requested or amount.

    If you developed forecast expenses for the tactic, you can verify the plan is within budget by comparing your assigned budget to the forecast expenses.

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