Siebel Marketing User Guide > Creating and Using Offers >

About Email Offers

Email offers are available in Siebel Marketing. Using the Email Offers view, a marketer can design and distribute a personalized email offer to target recipients of a campaign. An email offer can be associated with a price list for various products. If the recipient clicks on a product link in an email offer, the product detail page displays the promotional price for that product rather than the list price.

The Email Offers view includes the Offer Details, Edit Email, Delivery Profile, Attachments, and Advanced tabs.

  • Offer Details. This form contains additional fields that you can use if the email offer requires approvals from your company's marketing and legal departments. It provides a unique identifier for the offer in the Offer Code field. Use this form to specify the email offer's Subject Text, the Email Marketing Server (Reply-To and From headers, Email Marketing Daemon configurations, and Web Server URLs) to be used to distribute the offer, and Personalization Format to use with this offer.
  • Edit Email. Use this form to edit the template content as well as select Personalization Items such as Product Catalog Item. Category elements can be inserted into the template in the HTML Editor.
  • Delivery Profile. This read-only list provides a list of the Email Marketing Server parameters for the Email Marketing Server that is associated with the offer.
  • Attachments. Includes literature items with your email offer. These items are delivered as attachments to the email when the campaign is launched.
  • Advanced. Contains the Related Web Offers, Related Web Surveys, Related Events, and Related URLs lists. Use these lists to specify the Web offers, Web surveys, events, and URLs that you plan to include as hyperlinks in the email offer. Adding these elements embeds them as a Personalization Element. Web Surveys are created using Siebel SmartScript. For more information, read Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

    Whenever an offer recipient clicks a Web offer, Product Catalog Item, or Related URL link in an email offer, the click is captured as a response. The available response types are Clicked On Web Offer, Clicked On Web Survey, Clicked On Product URL, and Clicked on URL.

    NOTE:  Siebel Events views are not currently included in the Siebel Web Marketing application. Therefore, if you embed a related event in an email offer, related events must be directed to the Web Server on which Siebel Events is installed. To accomplish this, the Web Server field must contain the location of the Web Marketing Web Server and the location of the Events server. For more information read the Web Server field in Table 20.

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