Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >


Siebel Object Types > Applet > Control

Defines a visual element in an applet—such as a text box, check box, or button—for user interaction, user data entry, or data display.

You can add user properties to controls.

Applies To
Valid Values/Examples

ActiveX Bind Property (O)(H)


The name of an internal ActiveX Control property in the ActiveX Bind Property.

You must also specify the name of a field in the business component of the applet in the Field property, to bind the specified field to the ActiveX control's specified property. When the ActiveX control's property value changes, this value is saved to the field in the current business component record. When the field value changes, this value is saved to the ActiveX Control property.


ActiveX Properties (O)(H)


A compressed version of the set of properties internal to the control.

You do not edit this property setting directly. The values it stores are changed using the ActiveX category of properties in the Properties window or through the control's native property window.


Automatic Horizontal Scroll (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Automatically scrolls text to the right by ten characters when the user types a character at the end of the line. When the user presses Enter, the control scrolls all text back to position 0.

Automatic Vertical Scroll (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Automatically scrolls text up one page when the user presses ENTER on the last line.

Background Color (O)(H)

See the description

A space-separated RGB value.

Applies to Textbox, Label, PushButton, ComboBox, and Group. For Group, only the area under the caption gets set to the color. In addition, the Background Color value can be set to Transparent for Label, Image, and PushButton. This causes the control to become transparent. If the attribute is set to a value other than Transparent, these controls appear opaque.


Bitmap (O)(H)


The bitmap (from the category Control Icons) to be used by the image control. This applies to static image controls that are not tied to a specific field in the current record.


Caption (O)


Used as headers for list applet columns, field prompts, and link names.

For more information, read Caption.

Valid choices are bitmaps in the bitmap category Button Icons.

Class (O)

Java and ActiveX

Specifies the name of the C++ class associated with the control.


Content Fixup Name (O)


Determines if the links and images within the HTML page should be "fixed up" to be proxied through the Siebel server (Inside Application) or left alone to be requested by the client's browser directly (Outside Application).


Default Button (O)(H)


Not used.

Not applicable.

Detail Applet (O)

TextBox PushButton

The name of the pop-up applet that shows information from the related fields in the same business component.


Display Format (O)


The format for data displayed by the control.


Field (O)

TextBox CheckBox ImageControl

The field that the control is displaying data for.


Field Retrieval Type (O)


Specifies that the field data is either rich content HTML data (Field Data), a standard reference to a web page (URL), or a specially constructed URL integrating data taken from the Siebel database and supporting the external content service (Symbolic URL).

When Field Retrieval Type is NULL, the application adds a <SPAN> tag around the field value.

Valid values are Field Data, Symbolic URL, and URL.

The HTML Attachment value is obsolete and is no longer a valid value for this property.

Foreground Color (O)(H)

See the description

Space-separated RGB value.

Applies to Textbox, Label, PushButton, CheckBox, ComboBox, and Group.


Group (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

Not used.


Height - Language Override (O)(H)


Provides the ability to change the order of controls or list columns when a particular language/locale is active.


Height (O)(H)


The height of the control in pixels.

Valid values are numbers greater than or equal to 0.

The default value is 10.

HTML Attributes (O)


Can be used to add HTML tag attributes to the HTML tags that the Standard Interactivity client creates to render the control.

Example: If you put in size=30 for a text box, the following is generated: <input type = text size=30 . . .>

HTML Bitmap (O)


Used when the control invokes a method.

References a Bitmap object within the HTML Control Icons bitmap category.

If the HTML Disabled Bitmap property is not set, this image is used when the control is enabled as well as when it is disabled.

If the HTML Disabled Bitmap property is set, then this image is used only when the control is enabled.


HTML Default Control (O)(H)


Not used.

Not applicable.

HTML Disabled Bitmap (O)


Similar to the HTML Bitmap property. Used instead of the HTML Bitmap property when the control is in a disabled state.


HTML Display Mode (O)


Used with controls that are field values. Controls how the field value is displayed.

Valid values are EncodeData, DontEncodeData, and FormatData.

For more information, read HTML Display Mode.

HTML Height - Language Override (O)


Provides the ability to change the height, in pixels, of the control when a particular language/locale is active.


HTML Height (O)

Java applet, ActiveX and input type controls.

Height of control in pixels.

In general this property should not be changed manually. This property is automatically set when editing an applet layout in the Tools layout editor. When using a TextArea field that spans multiple fields, you may find the need to add 2 pixels per row to account for the buffer between fields on a grid-based form.

Example: On the Service Request Detail Applet for the Description control, the TextArea field spans three rows of single-row fields. To keep the bottom of this field aligned with the other fields (such as Home Phone#), you must increase the HTML Height. The increase is an additional 2 pixels for every row of fields the TextArea field spans, not including the first row.

In this case, Description spans three rows of fields, so the HTML Height property should be increased by (2 rows) x (2 pixels), or 4 pixels total. The original HTML Height of 72 pixels should be adjusted to 76 pixels.

HTML Icon Map (O)


Can be set to an Icon Map object. Used to map field values to icons as defined in the Icon Map.


HTML Max Chars Displayed - Language Override (O)


Provides the ability to change the maximum number of characters displayed in a control when a particular language/locale is active.


HTML Max Chars Displayed (O)


The maximum number of characters to be displayed in a control.

Only applies when the parent applet is in base mode or the control is read only. Property does not limit the number of characters that can be entered into a text control in edit mode.


HTML Only (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value to indicate whether the control is used only in the HTML thin client.

TRUE = The control is used only in the HTML thin client.

FALSE = The control is also used in the dedicated client.

HTML Row Sensitive (O)


Causes the Web engine to position the applet on the current record before invoking the method defined in the Method Invoked property.

Examples of methods that require this to be set to TRUE are EditRecord, DeleteRecord, and Drilldown.

HTML Sequence - Language Override (O)


Provides the ability to change the HTML sequence property when a particular language/locale is active.


HTML Sequence (O)


The (order) position of this control relative to other controls in the applet in the HTML thin client. Indicates tab sequence.


HTML Type (O)


Defines how the control is to be rendered. If this is not set, then the application uses the Type property.


HTML Width - Language Override (O)


Provides the ability to change the HTML Width property when a particular language/locale is active.


HTML Width (O)

Java applet, ActiveX and input type controls.

The width of the control in pixels in the HTML thin client (maximum is 2048).


Left - Language Override (O)(H)


Provides the ability to change the left coordinate of a control when a particular language/locale is active.


Left (O)(H)


The left coordinate of this control in pixels.

Valid values are numbers greater than or equal to 0.

Left Text (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Puts the text on the left side of the control.

Method Invoked (O)


The method invoked when the button control is clicked. This property is ignored if the control type is not PushButton.

Methods available for a button control depend on the class of the applet as well as the class of the business component. The basic methods available for CSSFrameList and CSSFrame applet classes are NewRecord, DeleteRecord, CopyRecord, and UndoRecord. Use other methods with caution.

For more information, read MethodInvoked and Siebel Developer's Reference.


Multi Line (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating a multiple-line TextBox control.

If the Automatic Vertical Scroll style is TRUE, the control shows as many lines as possible and scrolls vertically when the user presses Enter.

If Automatic Vertical Scroll is FALSE, the control shows as many lines as possible and beeps if Enter is pressed when no more lines can be displayed. If Automatic Horizontal Scroll style is TRUE, the multiple-line control automatically scrolls horizontally when the cursor goes past the right edge of the control.

To start a new line, the user must press ENTER. If Automatic Horizontal Scroll is FALSE, the control automatically wraps words to the beginning of the next line when necessary; a new line is also started if ENTER is pressed. The position of the text is determined by the window size. If the window size changes, the text is redisplayed.

Multiple-line TextBox controls can have scroll bars. A TextBox control with scroll bars processes its own scroll bar messages. TextBox controls without scroll bars scroll as described above and process any scroll messages sent by the parent window.

The default is single line.

MVG Applet (O)


The applet to use for the pop-up MVG if the field for the control is a multi-value field and the Runtime property is set to TRUE for the control.


Name (R)


The name for the control.


Owner Draw (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Displays on the button a bitmap specified in the Caption property.

Pick Applet (O)


The applet to use for the pop-up picklist if the field for the control has a picklist specified and the Runtime property is set to TRUE.


Popup Edit (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Specifies that an ordinary text field requires a pop-up edit box.

Prompt (O)


Not used.

Not applicable.

Prompt Text (O)


Not used.

Not applicable.

Read Only (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

If the underlying field has a property setting of Read Only = TRUE, the control is also read-only, even if the control's Read Only property is FALSE.

TRUE = Prevents the control from being edited.

Runtime (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Makes a run-time check to see if a pop-up button is provided for a picklist, calculator, calendar, or MVG (any control with a down arrow or glyph).

FALSE = The application assumes that there is no picklist or MVG or the field is Date or Time in DateTime.

Sequence - Language Override (O)(H)


Provides the ability to change the order of controls when a particular language/locale is active.


Sequence (O)(H)


The (order) position of this control relative to other controls in the applet. Indicates tab sequence.

Valid values are numbers greater than or equal to 1.

Show Popup (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

This property should not be set to TRUE on a button if there is underlying script that uses the application object method, GotoView.

If this property is set to TRUE and TheApplication.GotoView is used, this causes the view to be opened in a new browser window. The Siebel client UI does not support a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) architecture, so this combination is not supported.

TRUE = Specifies that a new browser window is opened before invoking the method.

FALSE = Specifies that the method is invoked in the current browser window.

Sort (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Automatically sorts strings entered into the control.

Tab Stop (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = User can move to the next control specified by the Sequence property by using the TAB key.

Target View Frame (O)

HTML thin client

The HTML page loaded into the frame that is specified by this property.

Assumes that the control has an invoke method and a user clicks on the control to invoke the method.

Valid values:

Self = Frame where the applet control resides.

Blank = Opens a new full feature window.

Others = Name of any frame that is created by Siebel or by users.

Text Alignment - Language Override (O)


Provides the ability to change the alignment of the text in a control when a particular language/locale is active.


Text Alignment (O)


Indicates how to align the text in the control.

Valid values are Left, Center, or Right.

Text Alignment-Label - Language Override (O)


Provides the ability to change the Text-Alignment Label property for an Applet Control when a particular language or locale is active. Note that this occurs automatically for locales that read right-to-left (such as Hebrew).

Center, Left, and Right.

Text Style (O)(H)

CheckBox, ComboBox, Group, Label, PushButton, and TextBox.

Specifies the text style to use when displaying this control. Text styles are defined in the Text Style object and specify the font information.


Text-Alignment Label (O)


Used to align the text of a control's label on form applets.

Center, Left, and Right.

Example: On a grid-based form applet, a field and its label are two separate Applet Web Template Items that are based in the same control. With labels placed to the left of a field, this requires the label text to be aligned to the Right while the field text is Left aligned.

Tooltip Text (O)(H)


Provides tooltip text that appears when the pointer lingers on a toolbar button.

Applies to bitmap buttons.


Top - Language Override (O)(H)


Provides the ability to change the order of controls when a particular language/locale is active.


Top (O)(H)


Sets the top coordinate of this control in pixels. The top coordinate of the applet is 0.

Valid values are numbers greater than or equal to 0.

Type (O)(H)


Sets the control type.

Valid values are ChartControl, CheckBox, ComboBox, Group, Label, ListControl, PushButton, TextBox, and TreeControl.

Vertical Scroll (O)(H)

ComboBox TextBox

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Control has a vertical scroll bar.

Visible - Language Override (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

Provides the ability to change the visibility of controls when a particular language/locale is active.

TRUE = Control is visible when the language specified as the language override is used.

Visible (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value that specifies whether or not the control is visible.

TRUE = Control is visible.

Want Return (O)(H)


A TRUE or FALSE value that specifies whether or not a carriage return is inserted when the user presses ENTER while entering text into a multiple-line TextBox control.

This property has no effect on a single-line TextBox control.

TRUE = Inserts a carriage return.

FALSE = Pressing ENTER has the same effect as clicking the applet's default pushbutton.

Width - Language Override (O)(H)


Provides the ability to change the order of controls when a particular language/locale is active.


Width (O)(H)


The width of the control in pixels.

Valid values are numbers greater than or equal to 0. Default value is 40.

Applet Designer

In most cases, controls are created and modified using the Applet Designer.


For list applets, this value is used to create the sortable list header (rendered using the ListHeader property of the swe:control tag). This value can also be used as field prompts (rendered using the DisplayName property of the swe:control tag).

For controls that invoke methods, this value is used as the link name or button label (rendered using the FormattedHtml property of the swe:control tag).

HTML Display Mode

The valid values for this property are listed below:

  • EncodeData = If the field value contains characters that are HTML reserved ones (<>, &, and so on), they are encoded before showing it so that they appear correctly. This is the default.
  • DontEncodeData = Switches off EncodeData. Used only in special cases where the field value actually is a valid HTML text and wants to be shown as such. (This has nothing to do with any text that users enter in the template file.)
  • FormatData = Used when description or comment fields are in read-only layout. For example, for a service request description field, the user may enter data that uses new lines and tabs to format the text. If FormatData is not set to TRUE, when this is displayed in HTML these formats are lost. The whole text appears in one line. Setting FormatData = TRUE causes the data to be formatted in HTML so that it looks the same as when entered.


The following represents which events MethodInvoked property of Control invokes in HTML clients:

In the High Interactivity (HI) mode, a button with a MethodName property triggers the following chain:

  1. Fires an InvokeMethod on the browser-side applet class (running in the HTML browser).
  2. The user can attach a PreInvokeMethod handler to this to intercept the method. You do this by adding a "Browser Script" on the applet, to handle the PreInvokeMethod event.
  3. If the InvokeMethod on the browser-side applet class is not handled, it performs an InvokeMethod on the server-side applet class. The client-side applet class always calls the server-side applet with this method, unless there is a specialized client-side applet that is handling the method on the client side itself.
  4. The user can implement a WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod script in either Siebel VB or Siebel eScript to handle the method here.
  5. If the InvokeMethod on the server-side applet class is not handled, it forwards it to the server-side business component for that applet.
  6. The user can implement a BusComp_PreInvokeMethod script in either Siebel VB or Siebel eScript to handle the method here.
  7. If the InvokeMethod on the server-side business component class is not handled, an error is returned.

In the Standard Interactivity mode, only Step 4 through Step 7 apply.

See Also

Hidden Object Types and Properties

For information about user properties, read Siebel Developer's Reference.

Object Types Reference