Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >


Siebel Object Types > Business Component > Field

Identifies and defines a field in a business component. All fields making up a business component record contain entries from both Single Value Field and Multi Value Field object types.

You can add user properties to field objects.

Valid Values/Examples

Calculated (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = The field's value is calculated by the business component rather than retrieved from the database server.

Calculated Value (O)

The expression used to calculate the field's value if Calculated is TRUE.


Column (R+)

The name of the database table's column. References to the field are done through its name.

(+) This property is not used for calculated fields, fields of virtual business components, or MVFs, but is required for other fields.

The column name is case-sensitive and must be specified the same as it is in the database.

Currency Code Field (O)

The name of the currency code field.

Used with a data type of DTYPE_CURRENCY.

The default field name is Currency Code.

Dest Field (O)

If the Multi Valued property is TRUE, the field in the destination business component defined in the Multi Value Link field. If Multi Valued is FALSE, this property is ignored.


Exchange Date Field (O)

The name of the exchange date field; used with a data type of DTYPE_CURRENCY.

The default field name is Exchange Date.

Force Active (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

For more information, read Force Active.

TRUE = The data value is always retrieved from the database.

Force Case (O)

The case for the field value.

Valid values are UPPER, LOWER, or FIRSTUPPER.

Hidden (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Makes the field invisible to all dynamically created list views, such as those used in the forecasting module. This property is used to support specialized functionality and is not intended for general configuration.

For a business component data type of DTYPE_ID, the default is TRUE; otherwise, the default is FALSE.

Immediate Post Changes (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

Field data is posted to the server when the focus moves off of the field and then the data is refreshed.

Causes an immediate roundtrip to the server. When set to True the browser script PreSetFieldValue event is bypassed. Typically used for constrained drop-down lists and calculated fields. Excessive use affects performance.

TRUE = Changes to field object definitions are posted as made.

Internal Pick Applet (O)

Used by the workflow user interface.

For the Decision Point step, you can set conditions on the business component fields. If the business component field on the UI normally has an applet, you can set this business component field attribute to make the workflow UI use that applet when displaying conditions for the field.


Join (O)

The name of the join object definition used by this field. Used to retrieve data from the table defined by a join.

Also refer to Join.

This property's value corresponds to the join's Name property.

Link Specification (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

You must specify as TRUE if any business component used as the child of a link from this business component uses the Parent type of default values and expects to get a value.

TRUE = Specifies that the field's value is passed as a default value to a field in the child business component.

Multi Value Link (O)

If the Multi Valued property is TRUE, specifies the multi-value link for the field. If the field is not multi-valued, this property is ignored.


Multi Valued (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = The field is multi-valued.

FALSE = The field is single-valued.

Name (R)

The user-defined name for the field. All references to the field are done through its name.

Do not change the name of any Siebel Systems-provided fields. Doing so can create upgrade problems and may affect intended behavior.

The name can contain spaces and must be unique within the business component.

No Copy (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Specifies that during a Based On Last operation, the field's value is not copied into the newly created record.

If No Copy is set to FALSE in fields from a joined table, ensure that No Copy in the join field (identified in the Source Field property in the join specification) is also set to FALSE. Otherwise, in the user's Based On Last operation, the new record appears to copy the fields from the joined table, but when the record is required the fields are not populated.

Oracle Sequence Object (O)

The name of an Oracle sequence object. The sequence is used for field defaults when creating a new record.

The Oracle sequence object has to be created manually in the Oracle Database. This is an exception to the normal way the Oracle sequence object is configured.

Oracle sequence object is not supported in Siebel Remote Replication Environment.


PickList (O)

The name of a picklist object definition used to display a list of valid values from which the user can choose.


Post Default Value (O)

The value used for an empty field when the record is initially written to the database. This value is not used if the field is left empty on subsequent updates to the record. The post-default value for the field is used even when the field is not exposed in the user interface.

This property is not validated for a calculated field.

The Link Specification property needs to be set to TRUE on the Parent business component for the parent syntax to work in the child business component's linked field.

Limited to 255 characters.

Pre Default Value (O)

The value used for an empty field when a new record is created through an Add New Record or Copy Record operation. The value can be changed by the user before the record is written to the database. The pre-default value for the field is used even when the field is not exposed in the user interface.

NOTE:  When predefault value expressions depend on other fields, those fields must be populated when the record is initialized. For example, Pre Default Value of Expr: Field '[Id]' works because the Row Id or Id field is always populated during record initialization. However, the Pre Default Value on Expr: Field: '[Picklist Field]' does not work because the Picklist Field is populated after the record is initialized.

This is true for Copy Record operation only if the NoCopy property is set to TRUE.

This property is not validated for a calculated field.

Limited to 255 characters.

Precision (O)

The maximum number of digits, to the left and right of the decimal point, for a numeric field.

The default is 16.

The maximum value available is database dependent.

Read Only (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

In general, fields that are based on a joined table are always read-only. There are two exceptions to this rule—joins to extension tables and joins to active intersection tables.

Certain fields are read-only even if the Read Only property is FALSE. The Effective Start Date field for the following business components is always read-only:

  • Account Product
  • Promotion
  • Promotion Account
  • Promotion Account Product
  • Promotion Administration
  • Promotion Product

See also Join.

TRUE = Prevents the field value from being changed by the user.

Required (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Requires a value to be entered into the field before the record can be written to the database.

Scale (O)

The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point for a numeric field.

Valid values are 6 for numeric values or 0 for integers.

The maximum value available is database dependent.

Text Length (O)

The maximum length of the text in the field.

This property is usually ignored and the length retrieved from the underlying column definition.

Note: Text Length is not ignored if a Text field has a user property named Text Length Override.


Type (R)

The field's data type.

For more information, read Field Data Types.


Use Default Sensitivity (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

For fields of type DTYPE_ID, queries are case-sensitive if Use Default Sensitivity is TRUE and the CaseInsensitive setting in the CFG file is FALSE. Queries are case-insensitive for this data type if Use Default Sensitivity is TRUE and the CaseInsensitive setting is TRUE.

However, for Id fields not exposed in the business component (such as the ID field in Opportunity), the User Default Security property cannot be set.

TRUE = Causes the sensitivity mode that the application is running in (as defined in the data source) to be used in QBE searches that do not explicitly specify which sensitivity mode to use.

Validation (O)

The expression used to ensure data correctness when data is entered. Also, the validation is evaluated only for the field for which it is added.

Should be used only with single value fields, not MVFs.

Limited to 255 characters.

Force Active

Default is FALSE. When Force Active is TRUE, the field is queried each time the business component is instantiated, even when the field is not exposed on the user interface. Force Active should only be set to TRUE when there is a need to script a field in the active business component and the field is not exposed on the active applet. Setting this property to TRUE may reduce performance.

For information about user properties, read Siebel Developer's Reference. For information about virtual business components, read Siebel Developer's Reference or Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

Virtual Business Components

The following properties of Field objects are supported in virtual business components:

  • Calculated
  • Calculated Value
  • Currency Code Field
  • Exchange Date Field
  • Force Case
  • Hidden
  • Internal Pick Applet
  • Pick List
  • Precision
  • Read Only
  • Required
  • Scale
  • Text Length
  • Type

The following properties of Field objects are not supported in virtual business components:

  • Column
  • Dest Field
  • Force Active
  • Join
  • Link Specification
  • Multi Value Link
  • Multi Valued
  • No Copy
  • Oracle Sequence Object
  • Post Default Value
  • Pre Default Value
  • Use Default Sensitivity
  • Validation

Field Data Types

Siebel Object Types > Business Component > Field

The Type property of a Field object type definition corresponds to the physical type of the column in the underlying table.

  • All values in the Type property have a prefix of DTYPE_.
  • Standard Siebel applications come with predefined data types, which you must use.
  • When mapping columns to a data type, make sure to use a similar type. For example, map an integer column to DTYPE_INTEGER. Do not map to incompatible types, such as mapping a Long column to DTYPE_BOOL.

The following table lists data types for the Field object type.

Field Type


  • Data stored as Y or N
  • Often displayed as TRUE/FALSE or checked/unchecked
  • Mapped to column with physical type/length of Character(1)


  • Refers to data as currency
  • Mapped to column with physical type of Number


  • Refers to data as a date; ignores additional stored data such as time
  • Mapped to column with physical type of Date


  • Refers to date and time
  • Field must be mapped to column with physical type of DateTime


  • Application-generated key
  • Mapped to column with physical type/length of Varchar(15)


  • Refers to data as an integer
  • Mapped to column with physical type of Number


  • Refers to data as a long string
  • Mapped to column with physical type of Long


  • Refers to the data as a number
  • Mapped to column with physical type of Number


  • Refers to data as a phone number
  • Mapped to column with physical type/length of Varchar(40)


  • Refers to the data as a string of length 2000 or less
  • Defaults to mixed-case as entered by the user
  • The ForceCase property on a Field can be used to force text to Upper, Lower, or FirstUpper
  • Mapped to column with physical type of Varchar


  • Refers to the data as a time
  • Additional stored information such as date is ignored
  • Mapped to column with physical type of Time
See Also

Business Component
Multi Value Field

Object Types Reference