Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Using Market Development Funds > Creating and Using MDFs >

Creating a New Fund Record

The first step in creating a new MDF is to add a new Fund record.

To create a new Fund record

  1. Navigate to the Fund Design screen.
  2. In the Fund Administration list, click New to add a new record to this list.
  3. Enter information about the new fund in the new record and the More Info form, as shown in Table 5.
    Table 5. Fund Administration Fields


    Enter a name for the fund (up to 50 characters) for your own use.


    Choose Fixed, Accrual, or Mixed to indicate how funding is allocated.

    Fund ID

    A unique identifier that is generated automatically.


    Indicates whether the fund is currently active—that is, whether partners can make fund requests against this fund. Generated automatically based on the start date and end date.


    Lets you lock the fund record so no one can update it.


    Optionally, use the Pick Period dialog box to choose a predefined period from a picklist defined by the Siebel administrator, such as 2005 or Jan. 2005. If you do this, the Start Date and End Date fields are filled automatically.


    The date when a partner can begin applying for money from this fund.


    The last date when a partner can apply for money from this fund.

    Target Amount

    The amount of money targeted to be accrued to a fund. For a fixed fund, the amount of money agreed to in a fund.


    A text description of the fund for your own use. Enter up to 150 characters.

    Total Credits

    The total of all deposits into the fund. Read-only field calculated by the system.

    Total Debits

    The total of all the approved withdrawals from the fund (actual amounts granted to partners). Read-only field calculated by the system.

    Fund Balance

    The balance in the fund, calculated as Total Credits minus Total Debits. Read-only field calculated by the system.

    Fixed Credits

    Credits from fixed deposits into the fund.

    Accrual Credits

    Credits from accruals to the fund.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide