Siebel Performance Management Guide > Setting Up and Administering Performance Scorecard >

Creating a KPI Request in Siebel Analytics

Administrators and KPI administrators can create Global KPIs and Employee-Specific KPIs using Siebel Analytics Answers functionality. When you specify Siebel Analytics as the Update Method for the KPI, and then choose the Siebel Analytics KPI Request, the Analytics server determines the value of the KPI. All KPIs are created in Siebel Analytics in the Data Load Format folders in the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog (KPI Analytics Request Administration > My Data Load Formats).

There are two types of KPIs:

  • Global KPI. This type of KPI has the same value for all employees. An example of this type of KPI is company revenue. The value of the KPI is always the same
  • Employee Specific KPI. This type of KPI has a different value for each employee. Performance Review Score is an example of this type of KPI. Each employee sees a KPI value that is specific to the employee.

This task is a step in Process of Administering and Using KPIs and Performance Scorecard and includes the following procedures:

Siebel Performance Management Guide