Pricing Administration Guide > Siebel Pricer Technical Reference > Pricing Procedures and Workflow References >

Switching from Basic to Dynamic Pricing Procedure

It is possible to switch from the Basic Pricing Procedure to the Dynamic Pricing Procedure, depending on your requirements.

The Basic Pricing Procedure is enabled out of the box. It does the following:

  • Duplicates the 7.7 basic pricer license functionality where only the list price, volume discounts, and service pricing are supported.
  • Uses the variable maps that do not contain the XA child variable maps.

The Dynamic Pricing Procedure is not enabled for out of the box execution. If you have the Dynamic Pricer license, follow the steps in Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow in this section to enable Dynamic Pricing Procedure for your system.This procedure does the following:

  • Uses the variable maps that contain the XA child variable maps.
  • Provides complete pricing capabilities such as attribute pricing, promotions, aggregate discounts and so on.

The following workflow shows the impact to signals and variable maps when switching from the Basic Pricing Procedure to the Dynamic Pricing Procedure.

  1. Name. Change the procedure name to Dynamic Pricing Procedure.
  2. Variable Maps. Three new variable maps are created for the rowsets.
    • Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set-Basic
    • Product Pricing Variable Map - Row Set-Basic
    • Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set - Basic
  3. Signals - New Parameter.The signals in the following list have a new signal parameter, SubPSPPricingWFName, with a value Basic Pricing Procedure.
    • CalculatePriceAndCheckEligibility

      (Uses the Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set - Basic variable map)

    • QuotesAndOrdersValidate

      (Uses Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set - Basic variable map)

    • VerifyItem

      (Uses Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set - Basic variable map)

    • Product Recommendations
    • CalculatePriceExternal
    • SpreadDiscount
    • SpreadDiscount - All

      NOTE:  Some of these signals have multiple actions and the appropriate actions (parameters) were modified.

  4. Signals - Modified. The signals in the following list have been modified so that the parameter SubPSWFName has the value Basic Pricing Procedure. Also, the variable map points to Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set - Basic.
    • ApproveItem
    • CalculatePrice
    • CalculatePriceAll
    • CalculatePriceAll_eSales
    • CalculatePrice_Configurator
    • CalculatePrice_eSales
    • MergeIntoOnePackage
    • OrderTemplate
    • OrderTemplateCopy
    • QuoteTemplateSelectItems
    • SetFieldValue

      NOTE:  Some of these signals have multiple actions and the appropriate actions (parameters) were modified.

  5. The signals in the following list have been modified so that the parameter SubPSWFName has the value Dynamic Pricing Procedure.
    • CalculatePriceProdProm
    • CalculateUserPriceProm

      NOTE:  Promotions require the Dynamic Pricing Procedure and will not return any discounts if the Basic Pricing Procedure is used.

  6. The signals in the following list have been modified so that the parameter SubPSWFName has the value Basic Pricing Procedure. Also, the variable map points to Product Pricing Variable Map - Row Set - Basic.
    • GetProdPrice
    • GetUserProdPrice
  7. For the PDS GetPricing signal, the action service has been changed to execute the Dynamic Pricing Procedure.
  8. For the CalculatePriceAndCheckEligibility signal, the variable map points to Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set - Basic.
Pricing Administration Guide