Siebel Public Sector Guide > Managing Immigration Contacts >

About the Immigration Contacts Screen

The Immigration Contacts screen is based on the S_CONTACT table and Contact business component and is intended as a replacement for the Contacts screen for those customers managing immigration processes. If both the Contacts screen and the Immigration Contacts screen are used simultaneously in a deployment, it results in incorrect data being created in the system.

Administrators should deactivate the Contacts screen, and then set the Immigration Contacts screen to display as the default. For more information, see Using Siebel Tools. After this task is done, administrators may want to revise the screen tab label from Immigration Contacts to Contacts.

In addition to the standard set of views provided within the Immigration Contacts screen, administrators can easily copy views from the Contacts screen to augment the Immigration Contacts module. After identifying the views in the Contact screen, the administrator can copy each view and make the following changes:

  • Screen - PUB Immigration Contacts Screen
  • View Name - <Create New View Name>
  • Business Object - PUB Immigration Contact
  • Applet[0] - PUB Immigration Contact Form Applet

The ability to track identities, credentials, and photographs for a contact may be relevant to other public sector organizations. The screen tab can easily be relabeled as Contacts or Public Sector Contacts instead of the preconfigured label, Immigration Contacts.

Siebel Public Sector Guide