Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Implementing Siebel Replication Manager >

Initializing the Regional Database

The Regional Database initialization process retrieves the database extract created in the previous step, and loads it into the Regional Database. Database objects are created and populated with data.

If you will be reinitializing a regional node with Mobile Web Clients, it is important to conduct the following test. Verify the Mobile Web Clients that synchronized with this node can reinitialize without deleting their local databases.

The Regional Database is initialized from the Siebel Server using the Regional Database Initialization program. This must be done on the Regional Server:

  • In Windows, the Regional Database Initialization program is called srvrinit.exe. You must run srvrinit.exe from the DOS command prompt.

    NOTE:  You must set the appropriate environment variables before running srvrinit.exe. Set environment variables by running the batch file siebenv.bat, located in the siebel_server directory. Run this batch file in the same command shell in which you will be running srvrinit.

  • In UNIX, the Regional Database Initialization program is called srvrinit. You can run srvrinit from the command-line interface only.

In both operating systems, the Regional Database Initialization program is located in the bin subdirectory under the Siebel Server root directory.

In order for srvrinit to finish successfully, you need to make sure that sufficient transaction space (Rollback Segment) is available on the Regional Server Database. You may want to verify with your DBA and to increase or alter existing rollback segments if necessary.

You must also make sure that the combination of database user ID and password that you will use to run srvrinit exists on both the HQ Server and the Regional Node. Srvrinit only allows you to specify one set of credentials, but srvrinit is required to use those credentials for both machines. If credentials on the two machines are different, the process may not start, or may fail before completion.

If the Applications Server has multiple CPUs and disk arrays, running srvrinit in parallel can dramatically improve performance.

It is possible to reduce the size of the rollback segment required for srvrinit by reducing the dbxtract parameter Maximum data file size (DatFileSize). This is because the srvrinit task commits per file. Therefore the smaller the file, the smaller the rollback segment. See Database Extract Parameters for details about DatFileSize.

To initialize the Regional Database in the GUI

  1. In the same window where you ran siebenv.bat, navigate to <server install on the regional node>\bin and enter srvrinit.exe.

    The Regional Database Initialization dialog box appears.

  2. In the Siebel Remote Parameters fields, specify the correct values for each of the parameters used by the Regional Siebel Server to connect to the parent node. For a description of these parameters, see Table 28.
  3. In the Regional Database Parameters fields, specify the correct values for each of the parameters used by the Regional Siebel Server to connect to the Regional Database. For a description of these parameters, see Table 28.
  4. To start the initialization process, click Start Initialization.

    The database extract will be downloaded from the server. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard launches automatically and completes the steps required to initialize the Regional Database. If you do not see a dialog box on the screen as the process executes, usually this indicates something is wrong. If this happens, check the log file in the log directory.

    There will be two log files. The first one is srvrinit.log. The second one is either upgwiz.log on Windows or srvrupgwiz1.log on UNIX.

After the initialization completes successfully, setup of the Regional Database is complete. For instructions on administering the Regional Database, see Administering Siebel Replication Manager.

The Regional Database Initialization program (srvrinit) has two functions:

  • It connects to the parent remote server and downloads the database extract for the regional node.
  • It starts the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to carry out the actual database initialization.

To initialize the Regional Database from the command line interface

  • Change to the bin subdirectory under the Siebel server root directory and enter:

    srvrinit flags

    For a list of flags, see Table 28.

NOTE:  If the Regional Database initialization fails (for example, due to insufficient storage space on the database), you must recover from the failure before restarting Replication Manager. To do this, restart the Regional Database Initialization program.

The built-in state logging ability of the Siebel Upgrade Wizard provides the ability to restart the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. If you encounter an error during the second phase (Siebel Upgrade Wizard) of the regional database initialization process, examine the log file (UpgWiz.log on Windows and srvrupgwiz1.log on UNIX) and take appropriate corrective actions.

NOTE:  The following error messages can be ignored: ORA-01921: role name 'SSE_ROLE' conflicts with another user or role name, ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied, and ORA-00942:table or view does not exist.

After applying the proper fix, simply restart the regional initialization process by running Siebel Upgrade Wizard again. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard remembers the progress of the initialization process and begins from where it left off. The executable name is siebupg.exe on Windows and srvrupgwiz on UNIX.

However, there may be occasions when you simply want to restart the Regional Database Initialization process from scratch. To do so, follow the procedure below.

To restart Regional database initialization process from scratch - Windows

  1. On the Regional Node, navigate to $SiebelRoot/bin.
  2. Run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard (type the command or double-click siebupg1.exe).
  3. Click Cancel when you are prompted to choose Yes to retry, No to abort, or Cancel to abort and clean up.
  4. Rerun the initialization process.

To restart Regional database initialization process from scratch - UNIX

  1. On the Regional Node, navigate to $SiebelRoot/bin.
  2. Find the file upgwiz.ucf and delete it.
  3. Navigate to $SiebelRoot/upgrade and delete all files with the name state.log under it.
  4. Rerun the initialization process.

Table 28 lists selected parameters and corresponding flags for the srvrinit command-line utility.

Table 28.  Parameters and Command-Line Flags for srvrinit Utility
Command Line Flag

16K Table Space


For DB2/UDB installations only, the name of the appropriate 16K Table space should be provided. For more information, see the Siebel Server installation guide for the operating system you are using.


32 K Table Space


For DB2 installations only, the name of the appropriate 32K Table space should be provided. For more information, see the Siebel Server installation guide for the operating system you are using.




Communication parameters for modem connection.


Parent AppServer Name


Name of the Siebel server at the parent node where the database extract was performed.


Regional Server Name


Name of the Regional Node.


File System


File system directory on the regional node.




Help on usage.


Index Space


For DB2/UDB installations only. Space on the Regional Database where indexes should be created.


Initialize on new database


Indicates whether the regional database is empty or not. Use Y if this is the initialization of the regional server on new database, N if it is an upgrade of the existing regional database with new dbxtract. Default value is N.

Parameter should be set to Y during a major upgrade—old transactions can be invalid for the new schema and cause failure.




Language code, default is enu.


ODBC Data Source


Name of ODBC data source to connect to the Regional Node.


User Password


Password to authenticate the Regional Database against the Headquarters Server. The password you specify will be used when the users are set up on the Regional Database.


Repository Name


Name of repository, usually "Siebel Repository."


Run in Parallel/Number of Threads


Indicates srvrinit will run in parallel and the number of threads.


Schema Qualifier


For DB2/390 and AS/400 environments only, the name used to qualify all database objects created that are required by Siebel.


Server Root Directory


Server root directory, on the Regional node where SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT is the root directory of the regional Siebel Server installation.


Table Grouping File


For DB2/390 installations only. Full path to the storage control file, which is a file that contains database object declarations.


Table Owner Password/Privileged User Password


Tableowner's password on the Regional Database.

For DB2/390 and AS/400 environments, this is the same as the Privileged User Password. This is the password for Privileged User ID.



Table Owner/Privileged User ID


Tableowner's logon on the Regional Database. Must have privileges to create database objects.

For DB2/390 and AS/400 environments, this is the same as the Privileged User ID. This is a user account that has the necessary database authority and privileges to create, access, and modify Siebel database objects as well as native database objects and operations required to implement the Siebel application. These environments have rigid controls on user identification—accounts must correspond to a real person.


Table Space


For DB2/UDB installations only. Space on the Regional Database where tables should be created.


User Name


User name to authenticate the Regional Database against the Headquarters Server. You can use any database user associated with the Regional Database during the setup, but the user must have security admin privileges in order to create logins within the master database (such as sadmin).




Verbose mode, may be set to Y or N. Default is N.


After completion of initialization, enable the required server components such as Siebel Remote and the appropriate object managers. For information regarding how to do this for Remote Server components, see Starting and Stopping Siebel Remote Server Components. For information regarding how to do this for object managers and other components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Also, administrators need to install the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE). For information regarding how to do this, see the Siebel Server installation guide for the operating system you are using. This is essential for administrators to use the Web client to support users on Regional Nodes.

The SWSE is not required if administrators use the dedicated Web client connected to support users on Regional Nodes.

NOTE:  Administrators must create users (database accounts or others) for all users who will be accessing the Regional Node because srvrinit will no longer create user accounts.

Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide