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About Chart Control Properties

The property settings for a chart control are set in the Component Editor. Access the Component Editor by right-clicking the chart, choosing Properties from the pop-up menu, and clicking the Properties tab. Summary and detail charts have the same set of available properties, with the exception of the properties in the Expressions category, which differ between the two types.

The properties for a chart control, arranged by property category (the folder you must expand to view the property), are described in Table 12.

NOTE:  In Actuate 7, the colors that you would list in the General: ValuesColorList property in the Component Editor for charts must be comma separated. The correct format for this property is: RGB(90,173,173), RGB(120,120,188), RGB(177,64,187), RGB(63,141,89), RGB(213,0,0). The colors for your chart will not be produced if you do not separate the color listing using commas.

Table 12.  Chart Properties by Property Category


TargetWindow Name

The name of the target window in which the contents of a hyperlink appear.



The expression defining a hyperlink for this chart object.


The name of an optional method in the frame that will point to this chart object.

Expressions (in AcDetailChart only)


Contains a data row variable, in square brackets, from which a text x-axis label can be obtained for each point. Note that values are not aggregated for each label.


Contains a data row variable, in square brackets, that supplies the X value for each data point. For example, in a scatter chart that plots revenue on the y-axis against sales stage on the x-axis, the setting for this property would be [ssSales_Stage].


Contains a data row variable, in square brackets, that supplies the Y value for each data point. For example, in a scatter chart that plots revenue on the y-axis against sales stage on the x-axis, the setting for this property would be [ssRevenue].

Expressions (in ssSummaryGraph only)


Contains a data row variable or expression that specifies the category, that is, the x-axis value that groups data. This should normally evaluate to an integer. For example, in a summary chart that groups opportunities by month, the category key would be:

Year([ssClose_Date]) * 12 + Month([ssClose_Date]) -1


Contains a data row variable or expression that provides the text label for each category. For example, in a summary chart that groups opportunities by month, the category label expression would be:

[ssClose_Date_ Formatted]


Contains a data row variable or expression that specifies the series (z-axis) for the data point, that is, the value that determines which bar color or line chart curve the point appears in. This should normally evaluate to an integer.


Contains a data row variable or expression that provides the text label to appear in the legend for each series.


Contains a data row variable or expression that supplies the Y value for each data point. For example, in a summary chart that displays opportunity revenue by month, the value expression would be:




Background color of the chart.


Color of the rectangle around the chart.


Style for the border around the chart. Options are ChartNoBorder, ChartSolidBorder, ChartDropShadow, ChartShadowAndBorder, ChartRaisedBorder, and ChartLoweredBorder.


Enumerated. The options are:

  • ChartHorizontalAlignment aligns the point labels horizontally.
  • ChartVerticalAlignment aligns the point labels vertically.
  • ChartAutoAlignment tilts the data point labels such that they do no overlap.


The color of the labels displayed for each point.


The style of the labels displayed for each point. Options are ChartNoPointLabels, ChartCustomLabels, ChartNumericLabels, ChartColoredNumericLabels, and ChartColoredCustomLabels.


A comma-separated list of color names or RGB values to identify different data series.



Specifies that a bar chart is clustered, stacked, or without clustering or stacking. Ignored for charts other than bar charts. Options are ChartBarNoGrouping, ChartBarCluster, ChartBarClusterZ (3D only), ChartBarStack, and ChartBarStackPercentage.


Specifies that a bar chart has horizontal or vertical bars. Ignored for charts other than bar charts. Options are ChartBarVertical, ChartBarHorizontal, and ChartBarHorizontalReversed.


Specifies the chart type. Option are Chart2DPie, Chart3DPie, Chart2DBar, Chart3DBar, ChartLine, Chart2DArea, Chart2DScatter, ChartHLC, ChartTape, ChartOHLC, Chart2DArea, and Chart3DArea.



HLC and OHLC charts only. Determines how the chart displays high, low, and close tick marks. Options are ChartHLCAllBars, ChartHLCThickBars, ChartHLCNoClose, and ChartHLCNoBars.


Specifies that a line chart has solid lines of default thickness, broken lines of a particular pattern, or thick lines. Applies to line charts only. Options are ChartDefaultLines, ChartPatternLines, and ChartThickLines.


Line charts only. A comma-separated list of line styles, one style for each data set. Options are SingleLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine, and NullLine.


Line and scatter charts only. Specifies the thickness of lines in chart-specific units.


Area charts only. TRUE indicates that the numbers on the data points are percentage figures. FALSE indicates that the points are absolute numbers.


Area charts and pie charts only. Draws the chart showing the percentage of each data point as the sum of all points in that dataset. The area always fills the full chart height.


Line, log/lin, lin/log, and log/log charts only. TRUE shows lines connecting the points.


Line, log/lin, lin/log, log/log, and scatter charts only. TRUE shows lines from the y-axis to each point.


Line, log/lin, lin/log, log/log, and scatter charts only. TRUE shows symbols for each point.



Specifies the alignment of the chart window within the flow of text in the report.


In browsers that do not support Java applets, specifies the text that appears in place of the chart.


The number of pixels of thickness of the border around the chart.


The number of pixels of horizontal and vertical space between the window and the surrounding text.


Determines whether to use the default image size computed by the browser. If it is set to TRUE, the system does not generate the height and width HTML attributes. If FALSE, the system generates these attributes from the Size property.



Background color for the legend.


The style of the box to draw around the legend. Options are ChartNoBorder, ChartSolidBorder, ChartDropShadow, ChartShadowAndBorder, ChartRaisedBorder, and ChartLoweredBorder.


TRUE if the legend entries are the same color as the lines, points, or bars they identify. FALSE if they are all the color given by Legend.LegendFont.Color.


A group of properties that defines the font of the legend labels, including Bold, Color, FaceName, Italic, and so on.


The position of the legend. Defaults to ChartLegendRight.


TitleBackground Color

Background color for the rectangle enclosing the title.


Style for the border around the title. Options are ChartNoBorder, ChartSolidBorder, ChartDropShadow, ChartShadowAndBorder, ChartRaisedBorder, and ChartLoweredBorder.


A set of properties that defines the font for the chart title.


Title that appears above the chart.



Determines whether the component name is added to the report's table of contents. The values are:

TOCAlwaysAdd. Always add the component to the table of contents.

TOCIfAllVisible. Add component name to the table of contents only if the user can view at least one page generated from the component based on page security. This is the default.

TOCIfAnyVisible. Add component to table of contents even if the user cannot view any pages generated from the component based on page security.

TOCSkip. Never add the component to the table of contents. Use this to hide components such as parallel or sequential sections or detail frames from the user.


Determines whether the component's contents are added to the report's table of contents.


Returns a string to show as the table of contents entry for this object.



The kind of cursor to show when the mouse cursor passes over the chart object.


The text to show for this chart object when the user asks for help.


Specifies whether the chart object can be searched in the Viewer.


The name to display to the user when building a search for this chart object.


TRUE if the user can select this chart object in the Viewer.



The position of the chart object in its enclosing frame.


The size of the chart object.



The position of the x-axis. Options are ChartXAxisAuto, ChartXAxisTop, and ChartXAxisBottom.


Color of the axis lines.


The location of the chart origin. Options are ChartZeroOrigin, ChartAutoOrigin, and ChartCustomOrigin.


A set of properties that defines the font for the x- axis values labels, and that of the data labels adjacent to each point.


The format string used to create custom x-axis labels.


A comma-separated list of quoted x-axis values.


The kind of labels to show along the x-axis. Options are the following:

ChartNoLabels. Displays no labels.

ChartAutoLabels. Displays labels computed automatically.

ChartCustomLabels. Displays custom labels based on the information you enter in the XLabelsList property.

ChartExpressionLabels. Displays labels computed from an expression you specify in the LabelExp property.


The style of line to draw for the major grid lines. Options are SingleLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine, and NullLine.



The number of ticks to display. For charts with X values, this is the number of ticks to display. For charts without X values, this is the frequency of the ticks (that is, points per tick).


The kind of tick marks to include. Options are ChartNoTicks, ChartAutoTicks, and ChartCustomTicks.


Sets the maximum x-axis limit. This value is computed when the chart is displayed. When the chart is being designed, this value is used for displaying sample data.


Sets the minimum x-axis limit. This value is computed when the chart is displayed. When the chart is being designed, this value is used for displaying sample data.


The style of line to draw for the minor grid lines.


TRUE indicates that the chart displays minor tick marks. If so, there will always be five minor tick marks between two major tick marks.


The text of the label to show for the x-axis.

XTitleBackGround Color

The background color of the x-axis title.


The style of the rectangle that encloses the x-axis title. Options are ChartNoBorder, ChartSolidBorder, ChartDropShadow, ChartShadowAndBorder, ChartRaisedBorder, and ChartLoweredBorder.


A set of properties that defines the font of the x-axis.


Indicates how the system should determine how many x-axis values are available.

ChartDefaultXValues. No x-axis values are available; the Chart should provide default spacing along the x-axis.

ChartXValuePerDataSet. There is one set of x-axis values provided in the points for the first (or only) data set that apply to all points.

ChartXValuePerPoint. Each point has its own X value.


TRUE to show x-axis labels vertically instead of horizontally.



Color of the axis lines.


A set of properties that defines the font for the y- axis values labels, and that of the data labels adjacent to each point.


A set of properties that defines the font of the y-axis titles.


Color of the axis lines.


The position of the y-axis. Options are ChartYAxisAuto, ChartYAxisLeft, and ChartYAxisRight.


The location of the chart origin. Options are ChartZeroOrigin, ChartAutoOrigin, and ChartCustomOrigin.


A set of properties that defines the font for the y- axis values labels, and that of the data labels adjacent to each point.


The format string used to create custom y-axis labels.


A comma-separated list of quoted y-axis values.


The kind of labels to show along the y-axis. Options are the following:

ChartNoLabels. Displays no labels.

ChartAutoLabels. Displays labels computed automatically.

ChartCustomLabels. Displays custom labels based on the information you enter in the XLabelsList property.

ChartExpressionLabels. Displays labels computed from an expression you specify in the LabelExp property.


The style of line to draw for the major grid lines. Options are SingleLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine, and NullLine.


The number of ticks to display. For charts with y-axis values, this is the number of ticks to display. For charts without y-axis values, this is the frequency of the ticks.


The kind of tick marks to include. Options are ChartNoTicks, ChartAutoTicks, and ChartCustomTicks.



Sets the maximum y-axis limit. This value is computed when the chart is displayed. When the chart is being designed, this value is used for displaying sample data.


Sets the minimum y-axis limit. This value is computed when the chart is displayed. When the chart is being designed, this value is used for displaying sample data.


The style of line to draw for the minor grid lines. Options are ChartDefaultLines, ChartPatternLines, and ChartThickLines.


TRUE indicates that the chart displays minor tick marks. If so, there will always be five minor tick marks between two major tick marks.


The text of the label to show for the y-axis.

YTitleBackGround Color

The background color of the y-axis title.


The style of the rectangle that encloses the y-axis title. Options are ChartNoBorder, ChartSolidBorder, ChartDropShadow, ChartShadowAndBorder, ChartRaisedBorder, and ChartLoweredBorder.


A set of properties that defines the font of the y-axis titles.


Determines how the text appears for the y-axis title. The default is ChartYLabelUp, which rotates the text 90 degrees counterclockwise. Options are ChartYLabelHoriz, ChartYLabelUp, and ChartYLabelDown.


TRUE to show x-axis labels rotated 90 degrees.

Siebel Reports Administration Guide