Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Web Single Sign-On Authentication > Setting Up Web SSO: A Scenario >

Editing Name Server Parameters

Set each Name Server parameter listed in Table 16 for the component that corresponds to the Object Manager for the application you are implementing, such as Call Center Object Manager or eService Object Manager. Set the parameters at the component level and follow the guidelines provided in the table.

For information about setting Name Server parameters and the purposes for the parameters, see Siebel Gateway Name Server Parameters.

Table 16. Name Server Parameters

Object Manager

OM - Proxy Employee


OM - Username BC Field

Leave empty.

Security Manager

Security Adapter Mode

The mode for the security adapter. Values include:

  • DB
  • LDAP
  • ADSI

This parameter may be set at the Enterprise, Siebel Server, or component level. For more information, see Security Adapter Authentication.

Security Adapter Name

The name of the security adapter. Names of security adapters provided by default include:

  • DBSecAdpt
  • LDAPSecAdpt
  • ADSISecAdpt

This parameter may be set at the Enterprise, Siebel Server, or component level. For more information, see Security Adapter Authentication.

The enterprise profile or named subsystem for the security adapter you are using. For example:

  • DBSecAdpt for the database security adapter.
  • LDAPSecAdpt for the LDAP security adapter.
  • ADSISecAdpt for the ADSI security adapter.

For more information about configuring parameters for each security adapter, see Security Adapter Authentication.

See also Configuration Parameters Related to Authentication.


Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications