Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications > User Administration > Implementing Self-Registration >

Modifying Self-Registration Views and Workflows

You can modify existing views in a self-registration workflow process or create new views as required by your business rules. You can modify the seed workflow processes that are used for self-registration.

You can modify the default self-registration functionality in several ways. You can do one or more of the following tasks:

  • Replace the license agreement text
  • Revise a workflow process, including creating custom business services
  • Redefine the fields the user is required to complete
  • Add or delete fields in a view
  • Change the physical appearance of a view or applet, such as moving fields or changing colors
  • Create a new view
  • Modify user deduplication

Modifying self-registration views, applets, and workflow processes include standard processes common with modifying other views, applets, and workflow processes.

The views used in the self-registration workflow processes are based on the VBC User Registration virtual business component, which collects the user data. The data is written to the User Registration business component and the Siebel Database only when all stages of collecting user data are completed. Before you make any modifications, you should understand how these components handle the user data.

The User Registration and User business components are both based on the same database tables: S_PARTY, S_CONTACT, and S_USER. Therefore, writing a record through the User Registration business component is equivalent to writing a record through the User business component. In either case, a new user is created.

The user-registration process provides the following benefits:

  • If the self-registration process is terminated before completion, there is no need to perform the time-consuming process of undoing a new, partially written record in the database. This process requires searching several tables.
  • User record duplication can be prevented before a record is written.

Replacing the License Agreement Text

You can replace the default license agreement that appears to the self-registering user in the User Registration Legal Confirmation View.

The DotCom Applet License Base 1 Column Web template includes the Web template file with the name DotCom Applet Form Base 1 Column which is the file of name dCCAppletLicenseBase1Col.swt. The license agreement is contained in the dCCAppletLicenseBase1Col.swt file, following the phrasing <!--This is where we include the html license agreement-->. You can replace the license agreement text.

For information about working with Web templates, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Revising a Workflow Process

The self-registration workflow processes for your business scenario may require that you do revisions to the seed self-registration workflow processes, such as:

  • Replace or insert a view
  • Insert or delete a step
  • Modify a step

You cannot directly modify a seed workflow process, such as any of the self-registration processes. Instead, you must create a copy of the process, and then revise the copy.

By convention, to avoid renaming processes, you can use the Revise button to make a copy of the same name, but with an incremented version number. All other processes of the same name are assigned Outdated status, so that the new version can be the only active version. This convention is recommended for revising any workflow process, not just seed processes.

NOTE:  For information about how to view, revise, activate, and deploy workflow processes, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

Creating Custom Business Services

Siebel Business Applications provides predefined business services that you can use in a step of a workflow process. You can also script your own custom business services and then run them in workflow process steps.

For information about predefined business services and creating business services, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

For information about running business services in workflow processes, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

Redefining Required Fields

As default functionality, a user who is self-registering is required to provide entries in certain fields. These fields may differ depending on the application. A required field is indicated in the user interface by an asterisk, where the field appears in a form.

For a view used in the self-registration workflow processes, you can change whether a field is required.

Use Siebel Tools to determine the view that includes a self-registration field.

NOTE:  For information about how to view, revise, activate, and deploy workflow processes, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

The CSSSWEFrameUserRegistration frame class is applied to applets that are used in views that appear in the seed self-registration workflow processes. This class allows you to specify required self-registration fields.

To designate a required field in a self-registration form, use Siebel Tools to modify the applet that contains the form.

The following procedure is intended to present the main steps in a Siebel Tools task. For detailed information about working with applets and views in Siebel Tools, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

To designate a required field in a self-registration form

  1. Open Siebel Tools.
  2. Lock the User Registration project.
  3. In Object Explorer, expand the View object type.

    The Views list appears.

  4. Select a view that includes a self-registration field.
  5. In Object Explorer, expand the View Web Template child object type, and then expand its child, View Web Template Item.

    Self-registration views typically contain a single form applet. It is listed in the View Web Template Items list.

  6. In the View Web Template Items list, drill down on the link in the Applet field for the single applet that is listed. If there is more than one applet listed, drill down on the one you think is most likely to contain the field you are looking for.

    The Applets list appears with one record, the applet you drilled down on.

  7. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet object type, and then expand the Control child object type.

    The Controls list appears below the Applets list.

  8. In the Controls list, select the record whose Caption field is the name displayed in the user interface for the field you want to require users to complete. Record the value that appears in the Name column—for example, MiddleName.
  9. In Object Explorer, click the Applet User Prop object type.

    The Applet User Properties list displays the user properties for the applet in the Applets list.

  10. With the Applet User Properties list active, choose Edit > New Record.

    A new user property record appears.

  11. Complete the following fields. Use the indicated guidelines.


    Required. Enter Show Required and a sequence number one greater than the highest existing sequence number. For example, if Show Required 6 is the highest sequenced entry, enter Show Required 7. This entry is case-sensitive.


    Required. The name of the field that you recorded in Step 8, such as MiddleName.

  12. Recompile the Siebel repository file, and unlock the User Registration project.

    When viewed in the self-registration interface, the new required field has an asterisk.

NOTE:  To make a required field no longer required in the user interface, follow the steps in the preceding procedures, with the following exception: in the Applet User Properties list, either check the Inactive column for the record you added in Step 10, or delete the record.

Adding or Deleting Fields in an Existing View

All the data collected in views used in the seed self-registration workflow processes are written to fields in the User Registration business component. The following process describes how data is collected in the user interface and written to a user's record in the database:

  • The user enters data, such as the user's last name, into a text box on a form.
  • The text box is mapped to a field in the VBC User Registration virtual business component, such as LastName. Consequently, the data is written to that field.
  • Data from the virtual business component VBC User Registration is written to the User Registration business component. The User Registration business component writes to the same database tables as the User business component. Consequently, each field is actually stored as part of a user record.

    NOTE:  No data from the VBC User Registration virtual business component is written to the User Registration business component fields until the self-registration process is complete.

To add or delete fields in a view used in a self-registration workflow process, you must perform tasks in the following order:

  • Siebel Tools tasks
  • Siebel Workflow tasks (using Business Process Designer in Siebel Tools)

Siebel Tools Tasks for Adding or Deleting Fields

To add a field to one of the views used in the self-registration workflow processes, you must use Siebel Tools to do one or more steps of the following procedure.

This procedure is intended to identify the major tasks required. For detailed information about modifying views and applets, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

To add a field to a view used in a self-registration workflow process

  1. Open Siebel Tools.
  2. Lock the User Registration project.
  3. Determine the business component and the underlying database table on which the new field is based.
  4. If the new field is not based on an existing database table column, define a column on an extension table of the appropriate table.
  5. Create a new field, based on the new or existing table column, in the appropriate business component.
  6. If the new field is based on the User Registration business component, create a new field in the VBC User Registration virtual business component. Use the exact same field name.
  7. Configure the appropriate applet to expose the new field.
  8. If necessary, configure the new field so that a self-registering user is required to complete it.
  9. Recompile the Siebel repository file, and unlock the User Registration project.

NOTE:  To remove a field from the self-registration user interface, you do not have to delete the field from the applet in which it appears. Instead, configure the applet so that the field is not exposed.

Changing the Physical Appearance of a View or Applet

For information about changing the physical appearance of a view or applet, such as moving fields or changing colors, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Creating a New View for Self-Registration

You create a new view for insertion into one of the self-registration workflow processes in the same way you create a view for any other purpose.

You can include new applets in a view that you create that you include in a self-registration workflow process. You create the new applet and include it in the view in the same way as you would for any other purpose, with the following consideration:

  • If you base the applet on the User Registration business component, apply the CSSSWEFrameUserRegistration class to the applet. This allows you to define fields for which an asterisk displays in the user interface. By convention, fields that you require users to complete during the self-registration process have an asterisk.

For information about working with views, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications