Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing in Unattended and Console Modes > Installing in Unattended Mode >

Installing Siebel Reports Server in Unattended Mode

This section provides instructions for installing Reports Server in unattended mode.

For detailed information about modifying siebel.ini files, see Editing siebel.ini Files for Unattended Installation. (Do not modify settings in RunAfter sections.)

NOTE:  For more information about installing Reports Server, see Installing the Siebel Reports Server. In particular, review the information presented in Preinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server.

Before starting the Reports Server installation, you must modify portions of the siebel.ini file, as described in the following section. After you are done with the installation, you can perform configuration in GUI mode as described later on in this chapter.

NOTE:  After Siebel Reports Server is installed in the unattended mode, the Actuate iServer may fail to start. If you encounter such a problem, most likely the locale and time zone are incorrectly defined. When you install Siebel Reports Server in unattended mode, use values in the locale.txt and timezone.txt files to correctly set the Locale and TimeZone parameters in the siebel.ini file. For more information, see Table 16.

To modify the siebel.ini file for the Siebel Reports main installer

  1. Using a text editor, modify the siebel.ini file for the Siebel Reports Server.

    NOTE:  Make a copy of each siebel.ini file you plan to modify, and save it in a unique location that identifies the module it pertains to. Preserve these copies in case you may need them for later reference.

    • Siebel Reports Server. UNIX_OS/Server/Siebel_Reports_Server/siebel.ini.


    • UNIX_OS = The UNIX platform, either AIX, Solaris, or HPUX (for HP-UX)

      CAUTION:  When you modify a siebel.ini file, make sure that you enter the correct values, because your entries are not validated by the installer.

  2. In the siebel.ini file, locate the [Dialog] section and set all keys to no, except the ones beginning with Uninst, to disable all prompts.
  3. Locate the [Defaults.Unix] section and specify the installation location for RootDirectory, if you are installing in a location other than the default (\siebel_thirdparty).
  4. Locate the [Defaults.ProductSelection] section, and set those products you want to install to yes.
  5. Locate the [Dialog.ActuateServer.Unix] section.

    Using the following as an example, change the values to reflect your configuration requirements:

    Readme = no
    LocaleTimeZone = no
    PMDHostPort = no
    iServerHostPort = no
    EncyclopediaVolume = no
    AutoStart = no
    AdminPassword = no
    MgmtConsoleHTTPPort = no

  6. Locate the [Defaults.ActuateServer.Unix] section.

    Using the following as an example, change the values to reflect your configuration requirements:

    ActuateLicenseKey = license_key
    Locale = 21
    TimeZone = 19
    PMDHost = machine_name
    PMDPort = 8100
    iServerHost = machine_name
    iServerPort = 8000
    EncyclopediaVolume = volume_name
    AutoStart = Auto
    AdminPassword =
    MgmtConsoleHTTPPort = 8900

  7. Locate the [Dialog.ActuatePortal.Unix] section.

    Using the following as an example, change the values to reflect your configuration requirements:

    License = no
    LocaleTimeZone = no
    HTTPPort = no
    EncyclopediaVolume = no
    iServerHostPort = no
    PMDHostPort = no

  8. Locate the [Defaults.ActuateActivePortal.Unix] section.

    Using the following as an example, change the values to reflect your configuration requirements:

    Locale = 21
    TimeZone = 19
    HTTPPort = 8700
    EncyclopediaVolume = volume_name
    iServerHost = machine_name
    iServerPort = 8000
    PMDHost = machine_name
    PMDPort = 8100

    If you are installing iServer in the same installation, the following parameters should have the same values as in [Defaults.ActuateServer.Unix]:


Table 16 displays the Reports Server component keys in the siebel.ini file. It also indicates whether the keys are always required and the conditions in which keys may be required. If a key is required, then there must be a corresponding value in the siebel.ini file.

Table 16. Reports Server Component Keys
Component Key
Condition When Required



Specify the license key for your Siebel Reports products.



Specify the numeric code for the locale you require.

NOTE:  For locale mappings, see the file locale.txt. This file is located in the directory Server/Siebel_Reports_Server, which is part of the Siebel image from which you installed the Siebel applications.



Specify the numeric code for the time zone you require.

NOTE:  For time zone mappings, see the file timezone.txt. This file is located in the directory Server/Siebel_Reports_Server, which is part of the Siebel image from which you installed the Siebel applications.


















If installing iServer and Management Console.

Auto = automatic startup
Manual = manual startup






If installing iServer and Management Console.



If installing ActivePortal.

Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools