Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network >

Obtaining Siebel Installation Media Files

Siebel Business Applications are installed from a network image you create from Siebel media files using the Siebel Image Creator utility. Siebel media files are compressed JAR files (Java Archive files). You can obtain the Siebel media JAR files and the Siebel Image Creator utility from these sources:

  • FTP. Siebel media files and the Image Creator utility may be provided on your FTP site on Siebel SupportWeb. Download these files into a single flat directory on your network, then run Image Creator from that directory to create the image.
  • DVD. Siebel media files and the Image Creator utility are provided on DVDs shipped by Siebel Systems. Copy these files into a single flat directory on your network, then run Image Creator from that directory to create the image.

NOTE:  For more information, see Media Request, Delivery and Usage Overview for Siebel Releases, available on Siebel SupportWeb at this location: In the SupportWeb Knowledge Base, this document can be found under the link Using Technical Services. See also Siebel Business Application Version Numbering, also available under Using Technical Services.

Siebel Media Files Available Using FTP

You can use your Web browser, FTP commands, or an FTP utility to download the Siebel media files (JAR files) and other required files from Siebel SupportWeb. Download all files to a central network location, such as the location where you will run the Image Creator utility.

To access the FTP site, log in to Siebel SupportWeb, then click the Browse/Search Knowledge Base link. Within the Knowledge Base, click the FTP link in the upper-right area of the page. This displays the File Upload/Download page, which provides information about using the Siebel FTP site and allows you to log in to the restricted area using your FTP username and password.

Siebel media files are provided on a customer area set up for you on the Siebel FTP site, when such files are requested by customers who have purchased Siebel products. Requests are made through Siebel SupportWeb. Additional FTP access information is typically provided through email.

Your FTP site contains folders representing current product releases you have requested and are entitled to receive. In general, the contents of these folders corresponds to DVDs that are available as another means of delivering the Siebel media. However, some folders may represent patch releases that are not available on DVD. The FTP site also includes the Image Creator executable program and files it requires.

Download the media files for each folder representing products or languages you will require into one or more target locations. As appropriate, review the JAR file sizes before you download.

For each applicable Siebel version, the FTP media folder names are listed in Table 10, along with the corresponding DVD titles (which are also listed in Table 11), where DVDs are available. You use these FTP media folder names when downloading Siebel media.

Table 10. Siebel FTP Media Folder Names
Description / DVD Media Title (where applicable)
FTP Media Folder Name

Siebel Business Applications for Windows


Siebel Industry Applications for Windows


Siebel Business Applications for UNIX_OS


Siebel Industry Applications for UNIX_OS


Siebel Business Applications Language Language Extensions


Siebel Industry Applications Language Language Extensions


Siebel Business Applications Encryption


Siebel Industry Applications Encryption



  • version = The Siebel release level or version, such as,, and so on
  • UNIX_OS (DVD title) = UNIX operating system name: AIX, HP-UX, or Solaris
  • Language (DVD title) = A supported Siebel language, such as U.S. English (ENU), French (FRA), and so on
  • language (FTP folder name) = The Siebel code for a supported language, such as enu for U.S. English, fra for French, and so on

For more information about the contents and organization of the Siebel media files, see Siebel Installation Media Contents.

Before you download the files to your network, see Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation Image.

Siebel Media Files Available on DVD

Siebel product media files are provided on DVD as well as through FTP. Each DVD also includes the Image Creator executable program and files it requires. Copy all files to a single flat directory in a network location, where you will run the Image Creator utility.

Accessing Siebel media provided on DVD requires a compatible DVD drive (+R compatible).

Copy the media files for each DVD representing products or languages you will require into one or more target locations. As appropriate, review the JAR file sizes before you copy them. Each DVD uses up to 5 GB of storage.

For each applicable Siebel version, the available DVDs are listed in Table 11, along with the corresponding volume labels. You use these volume labels when accessing Siebel DVDs.

Table 11. Siebel DVD Media Titles and Volume Labels
DVD Media Title
DVD Volume Label

Siebel Business Applications for Windows


Siebel Industry Applications for Windows


Siebel Business Applications for UNIX_OS


Siebel Industry Applications for UNIX_OS


Siebel Business Applications Language Language Extensions


Siebel Industry Applications Language Language Extensions


Siebel Business Applications Encryption


Siebel Industry Applications Encryption



  • version = The Siebel release level or version, such as,, and so on
  • UNIX_OS (DVD title) = UNIX operating system name: AIX, HP-UX, or Solaris
  • Language (DVD title) = A supported Siebel language, such as U.S. English (ENU), French (FRA), and so on
  • language (DVD volume label) = The Siebel code for a supported language, such as enu for U.S. English, fra for French, and so on

For more information about the contents and organization of the Siebel media files, see Siebel Installation Media Contents.

Before you copy the files to your network, see Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation Image.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools