Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing Siebel Mobile Web Clients >

Importing Non-ENU Repository and Seed Data into the Siebel Sample Database

By default, the SRF file installed with each language extension pack you install for the Siebel client contains the appropriate localization strings to display correct field labels for this language. In addition, demo user data is installed for each Language Pack you install for the Siebel Sample Database.

However, the Sample Database contains only ENU repository data and seed data, even after you have installed a non-ENU language for the Siebel client and for the Sample Database.

If you want to work with non-ENU repository data or seed data in the Sample Database, you must import the necessary localization strings into the Siebel Repository tables. After you have done this, you can view the non-ENU repository data by connecting to the Sample Database using the Siebel Tools Client, and you can view the non-ENU seed data in a Siebel application context.

To import non-ENU localization strings, you run the samp.bat batch file.

CAUTION:  The samp.bat batch file first deletes the ENU repository data and seed data, and then inserts the repository data and seed data for the language you specify.

The file samp.bat is installed in SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\sample\UTF8, where SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT is the directory where you installed the Siebel client and the Sample Database.

The syntax for using the samp.bat batch file is as follows:



For example, run samp.bat in a DOS command window using a command like the following:

samp "C:\Program Files\Siebel\7.8\web client" "SEAW Samp Db default instance" DEU

NOTE:  Before you import repository data and seed data into the Sample Database, make sure the SQL Anywhere database engine is running. It is running if you have started a Siebel Demo application after initially installing the Sample Database with U.S. English.

The SQL Anywhere database engine starts when the Siebel Mobile Web Client initially connects to the Sample Database during a Windows session. If the configuration parameter AutoStopDB is FALSE (default), the database engine continues to run after the user logs out of the Siebel application. If AutoStopDB is TRUE, the database engine exits when the user logs out. AutoStopDB is defined in the [Sample] section of the application configuration file, such as uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center. For more information about Siebel application configuration parameters, see the Siebel System Administration Guide.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools