System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Configuring SWSE Logging and Monitoring >

Accessing the SWSE Statistics Page

The Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) Statistics page is generated by the SWSE plug-in. To access the SWSE Statistics page, enter the following URL in a Web browser:


In addition to defining the name of the SWSE Statistics page accessory handle, you can configure if currently active sessions appear on the page as well. For information about monitoring currently active sessions, see information on the SessionMonitor parameter in Configuring the SWSE Statistics Page.

When accessing the SWSE Statistics page URL, additional parameters can be appended to the URL, which modify the display and content of the page.

Statistical Page Verbosity Option. This option allows the user to dictate the amount of information to appear in SWSE Statistics page. There are three settings as shown in Table 18:

Table 18. Statistical Page Verbosity Settings
Verbose Parameter Setting


Default value if not present. Displays only system and application-level statistics.


Displays the low setting information, plus the lock statistics.


Displays the medium setting information, plus all currently active operations to the Siebel Server.

Statistical Page Reset Option. This option allows the user to dictate if the statistics are reset after viewing. There are two settings as shown in Table 19:

Table 19. Statistical Page Reset Settings
Verbose Parameter Setting


Resets all noncounter and current operational statistics.


Default value if not present. Does not reset current operational statistics.

An example of the SWSE Statistics page request with parameters:

  • http://host/application/_stats.swe?Verbose=High&Reset=True

    This request displays the System Stats, Applications, Current Sessions, Locks, and Current Operations Processing statistical categories and then resets all noncounter and current operational statistics.

  • http://host/application/_stats.swe?Reset=True

    This request displays the System Stats and Applications statistical categories and then resets all noncounter and current operations statistics.

System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel Business Applications