Testing Siebel Business Applications > Automating Functional Tests >

Setting Up Your Functional Testing Environment

You must perform the following steps to set up your Siebel Test Automation environment:

  • Install your functional test tool and any necessary add-ins.

    For more information, see the documentation that accompanies your test tool.

  • Activate test automation on your Siebel Server.

    To activate test automation on the server, open the .CFG file for the applications you are testing and set the EnableAutomation and AllowAnonUsers switches to TRUE in the [SWE] section.

    EnableAutomation = TRUE
    AllowAnonUsers = TRUE

    After you have updated the CFG file, you must restart the Siebel Server. This prepares the server for test automation.

  • Request test automation information in the URL.

    To perform functional test automation on your Siebel application, you must tell the SWE to generate test automation information using an SWE command. To do so, append the SWECmd=AutoOn token to the URL. For example:


    This tells the Siebel Web Engine (SWE) to generate test automation information for Siebel applications.

NOTE:  Siebel Test Automation is controlled by a license key. You must obtain and enter a license key before using Siebel Test Automation.

Secure Access to the Siebel Test Automation Framework

The Siebel Test Automation framework allows you to implement secure access to test automation, in which the SWE requires a password to generate test automation information. This is useful for real-time testing in a production environment, and can be integrated with system monitoring tools, such as Topaz from Mercury Interactive.

In addition to the steps described above, you must also perform the following steps to activate secure access to Siebel Test Automation:

  1. Define a password on your Siebel Server.

    To define a password for test automation on the server, open the .CFG file for the applications you are testing and set the AutoToken switch in the [SWE] section to the test automation password.

    EnableAutomation = TRUE
    AllowAnonUsers = TRUE
    AutoToken = mYtestPassword

    The password is case-sensitive and can contain only alphanumeric characters. After you have updated the CFG file, you must restart the Siebel Server. This prepares the server for secure access to test automation.

  2. Send the password in the URL.

    When you have defined a password on your Siebel Server for secure access to test automation, you must indicate that password in the URL. The URL token is in the format AutoToken=password. For example:


    If a password is defined in the CFG file, and you do not indicate the password in the URL, the SWE does not generate test automation information.

Testing Siebel Business Applications