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Managing Duplicate UCM Records

The Universal Customer Master (UCM) identifies and lists duplicate Contact and Account records for review by administrators after running data quality data matching in batch mode. The administrator can resolve the duplicate records with one of the following tasks:

  • Merging the duplicate record with the existing UCM record. The merging process:
    • Stores the duplicate record as type Merged and the surviving record as History in the Source Data History table
    • Merges the parent records using survivorship rules to generate the new merged surviving parent record
    • Updates the parent surviving record with the new merged surviving record
    • Adds children records from duplicate record to the surviving record.
    • Deletes the duplicate record.
  • Deleting the duplicate record and leaving the existing UCM record unchanged.

To review and manage duplicate UCM records

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Universal Customer Master screen.
  2. From the link bar, select Conflict Resolution.
  3. Select the Duplicate Contacts or Duplicate Accounts tab.

    Review the duplicate contacts or accounts in this view.

  4. Review an individual duplicate record by drilling down on the record's hyperlink.

    The Duplicate Account Resolution or Duplicate Contact Resolution view appears. The top record is the current UCM version of the account or contact. The bottom view is the duplicate record.

  5. Resolve the duplicate record by:
    1. Merging the duplicate record with the UCM record, by clicking the Merge button.
    2. Deleting the duplicate record by clicking the Menu button and then Delete Record.
    3. Deleting the UCM record by clicking the Delete button.
Siebel Master Data Applications Reference for Industry Applications, Universal Customer Master Guide