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About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

Upgrades: All Siebel upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

You run the postmerge utilities after the repository merge completes.

The postmerge utilities make revisions to objects in the New Customer Repository. The utilities are intended primarily to identify UI configuration problems for upgrades prior to Siebel 7.7. (At Siebel 7.7, there were significant changes to UI navigation.) The utilities are also useful for identifying problems with UI customizations for upgrades after Siebel 7.7.

The postmerge utilities are implemented as a framework. Each utility in the framework is a business service and is listed in reputility.xml:

Windows: SIEBEL_TOOLS_INSTALL_DIR\reppatch\reputility.xml

UNIX: SIEBEL_TOOLS_INSTALL_DIR/reppatch/reputility.xml


SIEBEL_TOOLS_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where Siebel Tools is installed.

The postmerge utilities are as follows:

  • CSSGridRepPatch. Converts customized applet controls to grid-based layout.
  • CSSUINavUpgradeReposPrep. Converts customized screens to the Siebel 7.7 UI navigation scheme.
  • CSSMVGUpgradePatch77. Enables the shuttle feature in customized MVGs.
  • CSSUIUpgradeReports. Lists unresolved problems in converting customized screens and views to the Siebel 7.7 UI navigation scheme.
  • CSSWebTemplatePatch. For ICL upgrades, the utility copies Web templates into Siebel Tools that support the release you are upgrading from.
  • CSSWFRepPatch. For workflows, this utility changes step references from row-id references to name references for child objects of steps.


As of Siebel 7.7, the layout of form applets is grid-based, rather than flow-based. Applet Form Web templates have several new properties: Grid Property, Row Span, and Col Span. In addition, item identifier syntax changes to xxyyy, where xx is the grid row and yyy is the grid column where the control is located.

Regular merge. The utility identifies both customer-created and customer-modified applets and adjusts the properties of controls in them as follows:

  • If you have modified the location of an existing control, the utility restores the control to its original location. If you have modified other properties of the control, these changes are preserved. You must move the control and label to the desired location.
  • If you have added a new control, it does not display after the merge. To display the control, the utility assigns an item identifier that places the control in the lower left portion of the applet. The utility creates a Grid Property, Row Span, and Col Span property for the item. The utility also creates a Label control. You must move the new control and label to the desired location.
  • The utility does not change property settings for controls that are unmodified.

ICL merge. (Applies only to applets where Upgrade Behavior is not set to Admin.) For upgrades from releases prior to 7.7, form applets copied-in from the Prior Customer Repository remain flow-based and display normally. The utility does not convert these applets to grid-based. New and modified controls display in the correct locations. For upgrades from Siebel 7.7 or later, the utility makes no changes.

The utility logs output to the reputility.log section called Invalid Applet Web Template Item Mapping Cleanup.


At Siebel 7.7, a declarative model for associating views with screens was introduced. The relationship between views and screens for all levels of navigation must be explicitly declared. Several new object properties for screens and views are introduced to support this.

The new navigation scheme is applied to all screens and views for both regular and ICL merges. The utility runs after the repository merge in all upgrades. However, it is intended primarily for upgrades from releases prior to 7.7.

After a regular or ICL merge, screens and views display as follows:

  • Regular merge.
    • Unmodified screens display normally.
    • The views in customer-created screens do not display.
    • Views added to existing screens do not display.
  • ICL Merge
    • Unmodified screens with Upgrade Behavior property set to Admin display normally.
    • Views in unmodified screens with Upgrade Behavior set to Preserve or NULL do not display.
    • Views in customer-created screens do not display.
    • Views added to existing screens do not display, regardless of Upgrade Behavior setting.

The utility scans all screen view definitions looking for orphaned views. It groups orphaned views under existing Categories. If no Category exists, the utility creates one. This causes the orphaned views to display.

For a regular merge, you must review customer-created and customer-modified screens and views to verify that views are correctly associated with screens.

For an ICL merge, you must also review these screens and views. In addition, you must review all screens and views where Upgrade Behavior is set to Preserve or NULL.

The utility logs output to the reputility.log section called User Interface Navigation Upgrade.


As of Siebel 7.7, MVG applets with a M:M relationship to the underlying business component are configured as shuttle applets by default. The utility scans these MVG applets in the New Customer Repository and reconfigures them to display as shuttle applets:

  • Regular merge. After the merge, customer-created and customer-modified MVGs are not shuttle-enabled. The utility reconfigures these MVGs so they display as shuttle applets.
  • ICL merge. After an ICL merge, the utility reconfigures MVGs as follows:
    • Customer-created and customer-modified MVGs are not shuttle-enabled. The utility reconfigures these MVGs so they display as shuttle applets.
    • Unmodified MVGs that have Upgrade Behavior set to Preserve or NULL are copied to the New Customer Repository during the merge and replace MVGs that are shuttle-enabled. The copied-in MVGs may not be configured as shuttle applets. The utility reconfigures the copied-in MVGs so they display as shuttle applets.
    • Unmodified MVGs that have Upgrade Behavior set to Admin are not inactivated in the New Customer Repository and so display as shuttle applets.

The utility logs output to the reputility.log section called Multi Value Group Shuttle Applet Upgrade.


This utility makes no changes to the New Customer Repository. Instead, it scans UI objects in the repository and lists problems that could not be resolved by the CSSUINavUpgradeReposPrep utility.

The CSSUIUpgradeReports utility writes the report to reputility.log. You must manually correct problems listed in the report. The report is located in the POST MERGE USER INTERFACE REPORTING UTILITY section of the log.

The report has the following sections:

  • Issue 1: Rich Text Control (RTC) that needs to have User Properties Reconfigured
  • Issue 2: New Aggregate Category Records that should be renamed
  • Issue 3: Views that need an applet in View Web Template Item Id 1
  • Issue 4: Chart Views Needing Migration to Aggregate Type
  • Issue 5: Explorer Views Needing Migration to Aggregate Type
  • Issue 6: Categories where parent applets are missing drilldowns to a Detail View


This utility runs after an ICL merge. It does not run after a regular merge. The utility performs the following steps in the installation directory of the Siebel Tools that you used to perform the merge:

    • The utility moves the Web template files for the new release from webtempl to \temp\webtempl.
    • The utility copies Web template files from a subdirectory of reppatch\web_templates to \webtempl.

      These Web template files support the UI of the release you are upgrading from. They are very similar but not identical to the Web template files included in that release.

      For example, if you selected the 7.5.3 and "Label on Top" ICL options, the utility copies Web template files from the 753 and TopLabel subdirectories of reppatch.

      The utility logs output to the reputility.log section called Web Template PCL Patch Rule.


This utility changes workflow step references from row-id references to name references for child objects of steps. This completes the process of migrating workflows to the repository at Siebel 7.7. This utility primarily affects upgrades from releases prior to Siebel 7.7.

This utility does not write to the reputility.log.

How the Postmerge Utilities Work the Upgrade Behavior Property

The postmerge utilities ignore the Upgrade Behavior property. They make changes to UI objects based on the object's characteristics rather than Upgrade Behavior setting.

Related Topics

About the Siebel Repository Merge

About Inheriting Upgrade Behavior in a Siebel Upgrade

About the Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) Upgrade Option

Upgrade Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.