Upgrade Guide

What's New in This Release

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About Siebel Upgrade Topics

How the Siebel Upgrade Topics Are Organized

About Siebel Upgrade Topic Applicability

About Terms Used in Siebel Upgrade Topics

About File Paths and Commands in Siebel Upgrade Topics

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How the Siebel Database Upgrade Works

About Supported Siebel Upgrade Paths

About Siebel Upgrade Environments

About the Siebel Database Upgrade Process

About the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities

About the Siebel Upgrade Wizard and Driver Files

Example of a Siebel Development Upgrade Flow

About the Siebel Repository Merge

About Inheriting Upgrade Behavior in a Siebel Upgrade

About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

About the Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) Upgrade Option

About the Siebel Database Server

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How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade

Road Map for Performing a Siebel Database Upgrade

Process of Planning a Siebel Database Upgrade

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Development Environment

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Production Test Environment

Process of Tuning Siebel Upgrade Performance

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Production Environment

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Siebel Database and UI Upgrade Planning

Important Siebel Database Upgrade Planning Resources

Best Practices for Doing Your Siebel Database Upgrade

New Siebel Upgrade Features and Requirements

About Upgrading Your RDBMS in the Siebel Environment

About Siebel Multilingual Deployments

About Siebel Unicode Support

Upgrading to Siebel RC2 or AES Encryption

About Siebel User Interface Changes

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Web Template Files and Style Sheet

About Database Sort Order in the Siebel Environment

About Upgrading Siebel Access Control

About the Siebel Party Model

About Migrating Siebel HTML Attachments to Base Tables

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Application Planning for a Siebel Upgrade

Determining Your Siebel 7.5.x Release Level

Upgrade Planning for Migrating Siebel Address Data

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Employee Relationship Management (ERM)

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Marketing

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Workflow Designer

Upgrade Planning for Handheld Devices in the Siebel Environment

Upgrade Planning for Resonate Central Dispatch in the Siebel Environment

Upgrade Planning for Siebel String Translation

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Configurator

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Personalization

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Pricer and Order Management

Upgrade Planning: Additional Siebel Application Changes

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Basic Database Preparations for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying Siebel Database Connectivity

Preparing Siebel Tables and Views for Upgrade

Preparing Siebel Custom Indexes for Upgrade

Exporting Siebel Interface Table Data

Archiving Unneeded Siebel Repositories

Preserving Siebel Dock Objects and Visibility Rules

Securing AIX Memory Allocation Segment Space for the Siebel Database

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Preparing an IBM DB2 Database for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying the IBM DB2 Client for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying IBM DB2 Sort Order for a Siebel Upgrade

Setting IBM DB2 Parameters for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying IBM DB2 Permissions for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying IBM DB2 Instance Owner Permissions for a Siebel Upgrade

Creating IBM DB2 Temporary Tablespaces and Bufferpools for a Siebel Upgrade

Analyzing IBM DB2 Custom Tablespace Requirements for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying the DB2 Application Development Client for a Siebel Upgrade

Identifying IBM DB2 Long Columns for Truncation in a Siebel Upgrade

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Preparing an Oracle Database for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying Oracle Database Sort Order for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying Oracle Database Configuration for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying Oracle Database Parameters for Multiple CPUs in a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying the Oracle Database ODBC Definition for a Siebel Upgrade

Setting Oracle Database Optimizer Mode for a Siebel Upgrade

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Preparing an MS SQL Server Database for a Siebel Upgrade

Verifying MS SQL Server Sort Order for a Siebel Upgrade

Setting MS SQL Server Temporary Space Size for a Siebel Upgrade

Setting MS SQL Server Configuration Parameters for a Siebel Upgrade

Rebuilding MS SQL Server Clustered Indexes for a Siebel Upgrade

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Preparing Siebel Application Data for Upgrade

Preparing Siebel Workflow Processes for Upgrade

Identifying Siebel Seed Data Customizations

Preparing Siebel Customized Seed Data for Upgrade

Migrating Siebel Household Data

Setting Up Campaign Status Values for Siebel Marketing

Preserving Siebel Marketing Segment Descriptions

Preparing Siebel Mobile User Data for Upgrade

Setting the Value of Siebel S_SRC_PAYMENT.TYPE_CD for Upgrade

Preparing Siebel Address Data for Upgrade

Migrating Siebel Address Data from Custom Extension Columns

Preparing Siebel Customizable Product Data for Upgrade

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Upgrading the Siebel Database

Renaming the Siebel Repository

Changing the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities Language

Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities

Running the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities Under Windows

Running the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities Under UNIX

Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

Stopping the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

Regenerating SQL Files for a Siebel Upgrade

Identifying and Dropping Obsolete Indexes for a Siebel Upgrade

Preparing for a No-Development-Environment Siebel Upgrade

Installing New Siebel License Keys During an Upgrade

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Reviewing the Siebel Upgrade Log Files

About the Siebel Database Upgrade Logs

Summarizing Siebel Log Files Using Logparse

Reviewing Siebel Upgrade Log Files for Errors

Manually Archiving Siebel Upgrade Log Files

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Performing the Siebel Repository Merge

Configuring Siebel Repository Objects to Inherit Upgrade Behavior

Configuring Siebel Tools for the Repository Merge

Performing a Siebel Repository Merge

Determining if a Siebel Repository Merge was Successful

Generating Siebel EIM Temporary Columns

Reviewing Siebel Repository Object Property Conflicts

Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files

Moving the Siebel Repository Files

Setting Label Alignment for Siebel Text Fields

Copying UI Files to a New Siebel Environment

Deleting Unneeded Siebel Repository Files

Migrating Siebel Repository Objects to the Standard UI

Running the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

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Reviewing the Siebel User Interface

Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel UI Problems

Verifying Siebel Business Address Applet Configuration

Reviewing Siebel Grid-Based Applets

Reviewing Siebel UI Navigation

Reviewing Siebel Multi-Value Group (MVG) Shuttle Applets

Revising Siebel UI Rich Text Controls

Reviewing New Siebel UI Aggregate Categories

Revising Siebel Visibility Filters to Display Correctly

Assigning a Category and Type to Siebel Chart Views

Assigning a Category and Type to Siebel Explorer Views

Setting Up Navigation to Inaccessible Siebel Detail Views

Eliminating Obsolete Siebel UI Fields

Reviewing Siebel UI Objects Affected by Incorporate Custom Layout

Reviewing Required Fields in the Siebel UI

Assigning an Item Identifier to Siebel Web Template Items

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Siebel Postmerge Development Tasks

Reviewing Objects Deleted from the Siebel Repository

Reviewing Obsolete Objects in the Siebel Repository

Migrating Custom Siebel Workflows

Upgrading to the Siebel Symbolic String Model

Dropping IBM DB2 8-KB Tablespaces and Buffers After a Siebel Merge

Updating Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

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Postupgrade Tasks for the Siebel Database and File System

Reapplying Schema Customizations in the Siebel Database

Checking for Inactivated EIM Table Columns in the Siebel Database

Updating Siebel File System Attachments

Validating Dock Objects and Rule Definitions in the Siebel Database

Verifying an Upgraded Oracle RDBMS After a Siebel Upgrade

Setting Oracle Database Parameters After a Siebel Upgrade

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Postupgrade Tasks for Siebel Applications

Generating Siebel Reporting Relationships

Setting Up Siebel Global Time Zone Support

Upgrading Siebel ERM Approval Business Process Workflows

Upgrading Siebel ERM Customized Microsite and Group News Pages

Migrating Course Duration Information for Siebel Training

Upgrading the Launch Field in Siebel Training LOV

Upgrading the Test Status in Siebel Training

Verifying Class and Session Times in Siebel Training

Upgrading Responsibilities in Siebel Marketing

Reviewing Siebel Marketing Campaign Data

Reviewing Renamed Fields in Siebel Marketing

Displaying Regions in Siebel Marketing

Revising Program Flowchart Icons in Siebel Marketing

Setting Default Campaign Execution Options in Siebel Marketing

Upgrading Activity Plans for Programs and Campaigns in Siebel Marketing

Upgrading the Newsletter Offer Type in Siebel Marketing

Configuring Universal Inbox in Siebel Marketing

Upgrading Siebel Purchase Orders

Configuring Siebel Asset-Based Ordering

Reviewing Siebel Address Data

Upgrading Siebel Attribute Pricing

Verifying Aggregate Discounts in Siebel Pricer

Upgrading Siebel Seeded Workflows

Upgrading Inbound Siebel Workflows

Migrating Data to the Bankruptcy Status Field in Siebel Financial Services

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Tuning the Siebel Upgrade Files

About Tuning Siebel Production Upgrade Files

Starting and Stopping Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Managing Parallel Threads Using Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Managing Zero-Row SQL Commands Using Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Transferring UNIX Files for Use by Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Rolling Back Siebel Upgrade Tuner Changes

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Siebel Marketing Upgrade Reference

Obsolete Siebel Marketing Data

Obsolete Business Objects in Siebel Marketing

Obsolete or Replaced Views in Siebel Marketing

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Tables Modified or Seeded During a Siebel Upgrade

Important Schema Changes at Siebel 7.8

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Upgrade Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.