Upgrade Guide >

What's New in This Release

NOTE:  Oracle's Siebel 7.8 does not support upgrades from Siebel 6.x, except as noted below. You must first upgrade to Siebel 7.7 and then to Siebel 7.8. For information on upgrading to Siebel 7.7, see the latest Release 7.7 version of Siebel's Upgrade Guide on Oracle's Siebel SupportWeb.

IBM z/OS upgrades of Siebel 6.2.1 Financial Services directly to Release 7.8 of Siebel Industry Applications are supported. You do not have to upgrade to Release 7.7 first. To perform this upgrade, see version 7.8 of the Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS.

What's New in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. E

Table 1 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support Release 7.8.2 of the software.

Table 1. New Features in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. E

About the Siebel Database Upgrade Process

Revised topic. Clarified that both the production environment upgrep and upgphys are run in the production test environment and redirected to the production environment.

About the Siebel Repository Merge

Revised topic. Topic rewritten and expanded to address customer feedback.

About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

Revised topic. Topic rewritten and expanded to address customer feedback.

About the Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) Upgrade Option

Revised topic. Topic rewritten and expanded to address customer feedback.

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Production Environment

Revised topic. Clarified that the production upgphys is run in the production test environment and redirected to the production environment.

Important Siebel Database Upgrade Planning Resources

Revised topic. Added Data Model Reference to list of publications in the Siebel deployment documentation suite.

Determining Your Siebel 7.5.x Release Level

New topic. Determine your 7.5.x release-level before installing enterprise components.

Upgrade Planning: Additional Siebel Application Changes

Revised topic. Technical Note 511 on SupportWeb lists obsolete objects in the Siebel Repository.

Verifying Oracle Database Configuration for a Siebel Upgrade

Revised topic. Set UNDO_MANAGEMENT = MANUAL before the repository merge for Oracle 9i and later.

Preparing Siebel Mobile User Data for Upgrade

Revised topic. Before upgrade, check the Remote Status view and resolve any insert conflicts.

Regenerating SQL Files for a Siebel Upgrade

New topic. Describes how to use the Database Server Configuration Utilities to regenerate SQL files.

Configuring Siebel Tools for the Repository Merge

Revised topic. Clarified when to revise tools.cfg.

Setting Label Alignment for Siebel Text Fields

Revised topic. In main.css make changes to both the .mceLabel and .mceLabel2 sections. Also revise printmain.css so that Quick Print and Print Preview display labels correctly.

"Creating a New SRF File"

Deleted topic. To create an SRF file, refer to Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications.

Setting Oracle Database Parameters After a Siebel Upgrade

New topic. Lists database parameters that must be set in init.ora after the upgrade.

What's New in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. D

Table 2 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support Release 7.8.2 of the software.

Table 2. New Features in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. D

About the Siebel Upgrade Wizard and Driver Files

Revised topic. Topic rewritten to explain role and structure of driver files.

Example of a Siebel Development Upgrade Flow

New topic. Explains the steps in a typical development environment upgrade.

Revised topic. You must set up migration of address data on custom extension columns after running the Database Server Configuration Utilities in upgrep mode but before starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Pricer and Order Management

Revised topic. Table added that lists how Pricer data is upgraded to the new Pricer architecture.

Upgrade Planning: Additional Siebel Application Changes

New topic. Lists additional application changes that may affect upgrade planning.

Archiving Unneeded Siebel Repositories

New topic. Export all repositories except the Siebel Repository before doing an upgrep.

Preparing Siebel Workflow Processes for Upgrade

Revised topic. For upgrades from releases prior to Release 7.7, tables S_WF_PROP_VAL and S_WF_STEP_INST must be purged before upgrade.

Preparing Siebel Customized Seed Data for Upgrade

New topic. Customized seed data is preserved during upgrade, even if doing so adversely affects application function. Prior to upgrade, determine whether to retain seed data customizations.

Migrating Siebel Address Data from Custom Extension Columns

Revised topic. Clarified which steps to perform for a development environment upgrade versus a production test environment upgrade.

Updating Siebel File System Attachments

Revised topic. Run chng_file_sys.bat on each obsolete table.

What's New in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. C

Table 3 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support Release 7.8.2 of the software.

Table 3. New Features in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. C

About the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities

Revised topic. Expanded description of utility modes. Describes how to do a production upgrade using the SQL from the production test environment.

Road Map for Performing a Siebel Database Upgrade

Revised topic. There are three strategies you can use to upgrade from Release 7.8.1 to 7.8.2.

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Development Environment

Revised topic. Process tasks are organized into groups and placed in chapters. Some process steps now refer to all the tasks in a chapter.

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Production Test Environment

Revised topic. Process tasks are organized into groups and placed in chapters. Some process steps now refer to all the tasks in a chapter.

Process of Tuning Siebel Upgrade Performance

New topic. Provides a checklist for using Upgrade Tuner in the production test environment to tune upgrade performance.

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Production Environment

Revised topic. Process tasks are organized into groups and placed in chapters. Some process steps now refer to all the tasks in a chapter.

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Personalization

New topic. Primary user role is replaced by primary user responsibility at Release 7.7. To ensure applet visibility, review conditional expressions in the Administration-Personalization screen and revise conditional expressions as needed after the upgrade.

Verifying Siebel Database Connectivity

New topic. From the production test environment, you must be able to connect to the Siebel Database in both the development environment and the production environment.

Verifying Oracle Database Configuration for a Siebel Upgrade

Revised topic. The setting for db_cache_size is 394264576.

About the Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) Upgrade Option

Revised topic. Clarifies how layouts are preserved in an ICL upgrade.

About Tuning Siebel Production Upgrade Files

Revised topic. Describes how Upgrade Tuner works, when to use Upgrade Tuner, and how it modifies driver files.

Starting and Stopping Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Revised topic. Describes how to exit without saving changes.

Managing Parallel Threads Using Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Revised topic. Describes how to create, edit, and delete parallel threads for table and index creation.

Managing Zero-Row SQL Commands Using Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Revised topic. Describes how to tune an upgrade by deactivating zero-row SQL commands.

Transferring UNIX Files for Use by Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Revised topic. Describes the workflows for transferring UNIX upgrade files to and from a Windows host.

Rolling Back Siebel Upgrade Tuner Changes

New topic. Describes how to roll back changes Upgrade Tuner makes to upgrade files.

What's New in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. B

Table 4 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support Release 7.8.2 of the software.

Table 4. New Features in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. B

Important Siebel Database Upgrade Planning Resources

Revised topic. Oracle's Siebel SupportWeb now has an installation and upgrade portal page.

Road Map for Performing a Siebel Database Upgrade

Revised topic. Added a Road Map for upgrading from Release 7.8.1 to Release 7.8.2.

New Siebel Upgrade Features and Requirements

Revised topic. You can run Oracle 9i upgrades in CBO or RBO mode.

Best Practices for Doing Your Siebel Database Upgrade

Revised topic. Added steps for determining your upgrade path.

About Siebel Multilingual Deployments

Revised topic. For multilingual deployments, you must manually import language-specific repository strings and seed data after upgrep.

Identifying Siebel Seed Data Customizations

New topic. Seed data is overwritten when upgrading from Release 7.8.1 to 7.8.2 or later. Before upgrading, you can run a report to identify seed data customizations.

Verifying the IBM DB2 Client for a Siebel Upgrade

New topic. The 64-bit IBM DB2 client is not supported on the Siebel Server.

Setting IBM DB2 Parameters for a Siebel Upgrade

Revised topic. Topic lists only those DB2 parameters that must be reset specifically for upgrades.

Setting Oracle Database Optimizer Mode for a Siebel Upgrade

Revised topic. You can run Oracle 9i upgrades in either RBO or CBO mode.

Setting the Value of Siebel S_SRC_PAYMENT.TYPE_CD for Upgrade

New topic. S_SRC_PAYMENT.TYPE_CD is a required field. For records where this is null, set a value prior to upgrade.

Running the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities Under UNIX

Revised topic. Corrected and clarified procedure steps.

Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Server Configuration Utilities

Revised topic. For multilingual deployments, you must select the primary (base) language when you run the Database Server Configuration Utilities.

Summarizing Siebel Log Files Using Logparse

Revised topic. For steps executed in parallel, logparse adds to the process time only the duration of the longest step.

Reviewing Siebel Upgrade Log Files for Errors

Revised topic. Corrected file names of logs that can be ignored.

About the Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) Upgrade Option

Revised topic:

  • In an ICL merge, new controls from the New Siebel Repository are not copied to applets.
  • In parent list views, you must select a record in the parent list applet to display view tabs. This is true for both ICL and non-ICL upgrades.
  • After an ICL upgrade of objects that use the Upgrade Ancestor property, the layout of descendant objects may differ from ancestor objects.

Migrating Custom Siebel Workflows

New topic. If you are upgrading from Release 7.7.x or 7.8.x, you must migrate custom workflows to the New Customer Repository prior to the development environment upgphys.

"Reviewing Customized Business Components"

Deleted topic. No longer applicable.

Upgrading the IBM DB2 Instance

Deleted topic. No longer applicable.

What's New in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. A

Table 5 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support Release 7.8.1 of the software.

Table 5. New Features in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8 Rev. A

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Web Template Files and Style Sheet

New topic. Guidelines for upgrading customized Web template files and stylesheet file (main.css).

About the Siebel Party Model

New topic. Describes how the party model is implemented in Siebel 7.x. Includes information on how Siebel Financial Services household data is handled.

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Pricer and Order Management

New topic. User properties for Pricer integrations are obsolete at Release 7.8. After the upgrade, you must reimplement integrations using new features.

Verifying the DB2 Application Development Client for a Siebel Upgrade

Revised topic. The Application Development Client must be installed on the RDBMS server.

Migrating Siebel Household Data

New topic. Describes how to migrate Siebel Financial Services data to the party model or how to retain the Release 6.x form of associations.

Identifying and Dropping Obsolete Indexes for a Siebel Upgrade

New topic. Optional step during the production test environment upgrade for identifying and dropping indexes that may be obsolete.

About Inheriting Upgrade Behavior in a Siebel Upgrade

Revised topic. Added recommendations on setting the Upgrade Ancestor property on applets.

About the Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) Upgrade Option

Revised topic. Describes how Web template files and stylesheet file (main.css) are handled during an ICL repository merge. Added recommendations on using ICL with the Upgrade Ancestor property.

Verifying Siebel Business Address Applet Configuration

New topic. For 7.0.x Siebel Industry Application (SIA) upgrades, you must reconfigure the Business Address applet.

Copying UI Files to a New Siebel Environment

New topic. Describes how to move customized Web template files and stylesheet file (main.css) to the production test and production environments.

Updating Siebel File System Attachments

Revised topic. Corrected the description of arguments for chng_file_sys.bat.

"Safeguarding the New Custom Repository Export File

Deleted topic. Replaced by step in Moving the Siebel Repository Files.

What's New in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8

Table 6 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support Release 7.8 of the software.

Table 6. New Features in Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8

Upgrade Planning for Migrating Siebel Address Data

New topic. The way addresses are stored has been changed at Release 7.8. Review this topic to determine how to handle table customizations.

Preparing Siebel Customizable Product Data for Upgrade

New topic. To migrate products in workspaces, you must release them. Class products must have the orderable flag unchecked.

Preparing Siebel Address Data for Upgrade

New topic. You must check for duplicate row-IDs within and between S_ADDR_PER and S_ADDR_ORG before performing the upgrep of the Siebel Database.

Configuring Siebel Tools for the Repository Merge

New topic. If you selected the Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) option for the previous Release 7.x upgrade, you must return your user interface to the standard look and feel before performing the repository merge.

About the Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) Upgrade Option

Revised topic. Added guidelines for deciding when to use Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL).

Migrating Siebel Address Data from Custom Extension Columns

Revised topic. The changes required to the ddl.ctl and preschem_sia.sql files to migrate address data in custom extension columns has been updated. Review this topic carefully before migrating address data from custom extension columns.

Running the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

New topic. You must start the postmerge utilities manually.

Assigning an Item Identifier to Siebel Web Template Items

New topic. If you select the ICL option for the upgrade and choose "Label on Top," you must edit main.css to obtain correct label alignment.

Verifying Class and Session Times in Siebel Training

New topic. You must verify class and session start times in Siebel Training after upgrade.

Reviewing Siebel Address Data

New topic. You must review address records after upgrade to eliminate duplicate and obsolete records.

Upgrading Siebel Attribute Pricing

New topic. You must run a business service method to upgrade attribute pricing.

Verifying Aggregate Discounts in Siebel Pricer

New topic. You must verify bundle factors have been correctly upgraded to the new aggregate discounts feature.

Important Schema Changes at Siebel 7.8

New topic. Lists important schema changes in Release 7.8.

Configuring Siebel Tools for the Repository Merge

New topic. Prior to the repository merge on Oracle 9i, you must set SqlStyle = Oracle in tools.cfg.

Upgrading Siebel ERM Customized Microsite and Group News Pages

Revised topic. Corrected error in procedure.

Reviewing the Siebel User Interface

All topics rewritten to improve clarity. Tools procedures added where needed.

Three new topics added covering "Issue 7, 8, and 9" sections of postmerge utilities log.

Migrating Data to the Bankruptcy Status Field in Siebel Financial Services

New topic. BK_STATUS_CD is added to S_BANKRUPTCY. This column stores bankruptcy status for use by Siebel Financial Services. If you have implemented a bankruptcy status field, you must migrate the data to BK_STATUS_CD.

Upgrade Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.