Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS > Upgrading a Database from the Mainframe > Executing the Upgrade on the z/OS Host (Phase 2 of 2) >

Migrating the Gen Primary 7.8 SQL

Perform the following procedure to run the data migration scripts for Gen Primary.

To migrate the primary index SQL

  1. Make sure you are at the SIEBEL UPGRADE JOB SUBMISSION MENU for your upgrade path.
    • For Siebel Business application upgrades, the panel ID is SBLRUNHP.
    • For Siebel Industry application (SIA) upgrades, the panel ID is SBLRUNFP.
  2. Select the option for the application you are upgrading.
    • For Siebel Business application upgrades, select option 13: GEN PRIMARY.
    • For Siebel Industry application (SIA) upgrades, select option 16: GEN PRIMARY.

      This places you in edit mode for dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBGENP).

  3. Run the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBGENP).

    After the job is run, verify that the job ran successfully.

    RC=0, RC=4, or RC=8 indicates that the job was successful. RC=8 is associated with jobs with an X in position 3 of the member name.

    Jobs with an ABEND (end abnormally) U99 or U099 message are jobs that failed.

    If you selected Siebel-Scheduled Mode, this job is logged (as Completed Successfully or Failed) to the target Siebel log table: TARGET_TABLEOWNER.TMP_SBLLOG_TAR.

    NOTE:  You must fix any failed jobs before proceeding with the upgrade. For information on restarting failed jobs, see Restarting Failed Jobs on the Mainframe.

  4. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.

    This submits 45 GenPrim job streams (the number of job streams varies by upgrade type). All 45 jobs can run in parallel—no dependencies exist.

    RC=0, RC=4, or RC=8 indicates that the job was successful. RC=8 is associated with jobs with an X in position 3 of the member name.

    Jobs with an ABEND (end abnormally) U99 or U099 message are jobs that failed.

    If you selected Siebel-Scheduled Mode, this job is logged (as Completed Successfully or Failed) to the target Siebel log table: TARGET_TABLEOWNER.TMP_SBLLOG_TAR.

    NOTE:  You must fix any failed jobs before proceeding with the upgrade. For information on restarting failed jobs, see Restarting Failed Jobs on the Mainframe.

  5. View the job status.

    For information on how to view job status if you selected Siebel-scheduled mode, see Viewing the Siebel Job Log Status.

  6. After all GENPRIM jobs have completed successfully, run the POST-GEN PRIMARY INDEX DDL job.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS